A probe has been launched into the circumstances behind an early morning fire at a Child Support Centre, which led to the emergency evacuation and relocation of 18 children in residence.
A statement from the Children’s Authority confirms that the fire did occur, and that Fire Service personnel were able to get the fire under control.
The Authority also confirms that the children were evacuated safely and currently are at another facility, and there were no injuries.
The following is the full text of the statement from the Children’s Authority…
The Children's Authority of Trinidad and Tobago has relocated 18 children from one of its Child Support Centres, following an early morning fire of unknown origin. There are no reports of any injuries.
Quick response by caregivers and security officers on duty, in accordance with the Authority's Critical Incident Policy, led to the immediate evacuation of all the children, who have since been relocated to another facility.
Fire officers responded and were able to bring the fire under control.
The top floor of the two-storey building has been damaged.
The Families of the children are being notified of the situation and assured that all the children are safe. Counselling support is also being provided to the children.
Fire officers will be conducting an investigation to determine the cause of the fire.