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Saturday, March 22, 2025

CNC3 news team attacked by UNC supporters


Carisa Lee
1514 days ago
CNC3's reporter Carisa Lee left, confronted by UNC supporters who were protesting outside the Red House yesterday as Parliament debated on a confidence motion against National Security Minister Stuart Young.

CNC3's reporter Carisa Lee left, confronted by UNC supporters who were protesting outside the Red House yesterday as Parliament debated on a confidence motion against National Security Minister Stuart Young.


Op­po­si­tion Leader Kam­la Per­sad-Bisses­sar dis­tanced her­self from a slew of ver­bal at­tacks - and al­most phys­i­cal - launched by UNC sup­port­ers against a Guardian Me­dia (CNC3/Trinidad & To­ba­go Guardian) news team, at­tempt­ing to cov­er the protest out­side the Red House yes­ter­day.

The sit­u­a­tion grew so volatile, the mem­bers of news crew re­moved them­selves from the area, on­ly to be fol­lowed by some an­gry UNC sup­port­ers.

Re­spond­ing to a text mes­sage, the UNC leader said she gave “no in­struc­tions” for her par­ty sup­port­ers to in­ter­rupt or pre­vent CNC3 jour­nal­ists from do­ing their jobs.

The pro­test­ers gath­ered out­side the par­lia­ment in sup­port of the par­ty’s No-Con­fi­dence Mo­tion against Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty Min­is­ter Stu­art Young.

Dressed in yel­low t-shirts and equipped with plac­ards that read, “the cost of Young is too high,” and “311 days locked out by Young,” the pro­test­ers as­sem­bled around 10 am, but were stopped by po­lice as the ap­proved time for the protest was from noon to 2 pm.

They de­cid­ed to wait in Wood­ford Square.

It was then this re­porter, ac­com­pa­nied by video jour­nal­ist at­tempt­ed to in­ter­view the par­ty sup­port­ers about their de­ci­sion to protest, that the ver­bal at­tack be­gan.

“I boy­cott CNC3, you talk to she, I boy­cott CNC3 I doh (sic) want noth­ing to do with them,” one pro­test­er shout­ed.

The same pro­test­er then dis­cour­aged oth­ers from speak­ing with the Guardian Me­dia team.

UNC sup­port­er Louis Lane tried to ex­plain the rea­son they came to protest against Min­is­ter Young.

She said that it was time for na­tion­als stuck aboard to get the op­por­tu­ni­ty to come back home.

“Look how many per­sons out there wait­ing to come home...why it is we have to go through this? We have friends and fam­i­ly out­side it is not fair to the cit­i­zens of T&T,” Lane said.

“I am out here be­cause I think enough is enough and it’s time for Stu­art Young to get with it, leave!” she con­tin­ued.

Lane said the homes of some peo­ple out­side the bor­ders have been van­dal­ized and they have lost every­thing. She al­so con­demned the new ex­emp­tion ap­pli­ca­tion sys­tem.

But as she at­tempt­ed to ex­plain why Lane was in­ter­rupt­ed by a UNC sup­port­er who asked her why she was talk­ing to CNC3.

“Why al­lyuh (sic) talk­ing to CNC3­lyuh (sic) like to see al­lyuh self on TV awa?” the pro­test­er shout­ed.

For the news team to record the pro­test­ers, our cam­er­a­woman had to give the mi­cro­phone to an­oth­er me­dia work­er and record through the fenc­ing out­side of Wood­ford Square as the at­mos­phere grew tense and hos­tile.

“You’re on­ly out here for a sto­ry,” one pro­test­er shout­ed as he went live on so­cial me­dia.

But that was not the end of the ver­bal at­tack by some UNC sup­port­ers, as they ap­proached the fenc­ing and shout­ed “boy­cott” in the faces of the news team.

It al­most turned phys­i­cal, as one an­gry UNC sup­port­er at­tempt­ed to slap away the hand of this re­porter as I blocked his cam­era which he placed to my face.

“Gone, take the news from TTT”, he shout­ed.

It is not the first time Guardian Me­dia was de­nied an in­ter­view from the UNC.

On Jan­u­ary 20 our re­porter con­tact­ed the Pub­lic Re­la­tions Of­fi­cer Kirk Meighoo about a post on the par­ty’s of­fi­cial Twit­ter ac­count about the Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Rol­wey, which read, “Kei­th Row­ley is vile, un­states­man­like and dis­gust­ing.” But Meighoo re­fused to give a re­sponse to this me­dia house.

It all stems from the UNC’s call for an apol­o­gy from Na­talee Legore for a com­ment the Morn­ing Brew host made on the show. When the host stood her ground, the UNC took its com­plaint to the Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions Au­thor­i­ty of T&T.

TATT, two weeks lat­er, found that CNC3 did not breach con­ces­sion terms.

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