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Monday, March 17, 2025

Fewer than 10,000 students vaccinated in line for return to physical school


Anna-Lisa Paul
1272 days ago
Benedict Hercules helps his son Joshua who enters the Diego Martin Central Secondary School with his new shirt at Bradford City Mall on Henry Street Port-of-Spain, yesterday. Schools will be reopened on October 4th for students in Forms 4 to 6.

Benedict Hercules helps his son Joshua who enters the Diego Martin Central Secondary School with his new shirt at Bradford City Mall on Henry Street Port-of-Spain, yesterday. Schools will be reopened on October 4th for students in Forms 4 to 6.


So far just over 8,000 Forms Four to Six stu­dents have been vac­ci­nat­ed and are ex­pect­ed to re­turn to the class­rooms come Oc­to­ber 4, when phys­i­cal school re­sumes.

In a re­lease yes­ter­day, the Min­istry of Ed­u­ca­tion ad­vised that on­ly vac­ci­nat­ed stu­dents in Forms Four to Six would be al­lowed to re­turn next month.

Of­fi­cials said, “This would re­main in ef­fect for both teach­ing and prac­ti­cal ses­sions.”

“Arrange­ments to fa­cil­i­tate teach­ing and learn­ing at these in­sti­tu­tions are on­go­ing, and the Re­open­ing Guide­lines will be made avail­able to Prin­ci­pals with­in the com­ing week. Teach­ers and ful­ly vac­ci­nat­ed stu­dents of this co­hort are ex­pect­ed to re­port to schools phys­i­cal­ly for class­es.”

The Min­istry of Health (MOH) has es­ti­mat­ed that ap­prox­i­mate­ly 37,000 stu­dents be­tween the ages of 12 and 18 have so far been vac­ci­nat­ed.

This, out of the ap­prox­i­mate 90,000 stu­dent pop­u­la­tion el­i­gi­ble to re­ceive Pfiz­er—the on­ly vac­cine which has been ap­proved by the World Health Or­ga­ni­za­tion (WHO) for use in chil­dren 12 years and old­er.

Es­ti­mat­ing this coun­try’s co­hort of Forms Four to Six stu­dents to be around 32,000—Ed­u­ca­tion Min­is­ter Dr Nyan Gads­by-Dol­ly yes­ter­day re­vealed the Min­istry of Ed­u­ca­tion (MOE) had un­der­tak­en a sur­vey to as­sess the vac­ci­na­tion sta­tus of this group as they plan for a re­turn to the phys­i­cal class­room on Oc­to­ber 4.

Re­spond­ing to ques­tions via What­sApp, she con­firmed, “We have re­ceived, to date, 16,235 re­spons­es of which 8,430 in­di­cat­ed they had been vac­ci­nat­ed.”

Pressed about the low num­bers be­ing record­ed present­ly, the Min­is­ter cau­tioned, “We will not know the num­bers un­til they turn out on the day.”

Mean­while, Gads­by-Dol­ly said, “Teach­ers are not man­dat­ed to be vac­ci­nat­ed at this time to re­port for du­ty.”

She in­di­cat­ed the min­istry en­gaged in dis­cus­sions with all stake­hold­ers with re­gards to the re­turn to the class­rooms.

“Schools will be re­quired to sub­mit to the MOE, on a tem­plate to be pro­vid­ed, their in­di­vid­ual plans for mak­ing cur­ricu­lum ma­te­ri­als avail­able to the stu­dents who are not at school phys­i­cal­ly. This will vary by school, sub­ject and teacher, based on the re­sources avail­able,” Gads­by-Dol­ly said.

She con­tin­ued, “At the EC­CE, Pri­ma­ry and Sec­ondary Lev­els, on­line school is not a suit­able re­place­ment for phys­i­cal school—this is the rea­son that all coun­tries of the world, in­clud­ing Trinidad and To­ba­go, have been work­ing hard to get stu­dents back to school, safe­ly. Stu­dents be­ing away from phys­i­cal school con­tributes great­ly to learn­ing loss for a va­ri­ety of fac­tors.”

In Au­gust, Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley hint­ed that a hard­line ap­proach may have to be tak­en against un­vac­ci­nat­ed stu­dents.

He said if vac­ci­na­tion num­bers were still too low by mid-Sep­tem­ber for herd im­mu­ni­ty to be achieved among the 12 to 18 age group, then the Gov­ern­ment would act.

TTUTA feels dis­re­spect­ed

And hours af­ter the MOE an­nounced the phys­i­cal re­open­ing of schools for Forms Four to Six stu­dents on Oc­to­ber 4, the Trinidad and To­ba­go Uni­fied Teach­ers’ As­so­ci­a­tion (TTUTA) has lashed out, claim­ing dis­re­spect.

In a re­lease yes­ter­day, TTUTA’s Gen­er­al Sec­re­tary Kady Beck­les said in an­nounc­ing the re­quire­ments of this most re­cent pol­i­cy, the MOE, “has demon­strat­ed the sham that pass­es for con­sul­ta­tion with the Recog­nised Ma­jor­i­ty Union, a lack of ap­pre­ci­a­tion for cor­rect pro­ce­dures, as well as a to­tal dis­re­gard for the well-be­ing of ed­u­ca­tion pro­fes­sion­als.”

Point­ing out the im­por­tance of prop­er com­mu­ni­ca­tion be­tween the MOE and any stake­hold­er in­clud­ing TTUTA, Beck­les said, “TTUTA, there­fore, holds the po­si­tion that a me­dia re­lease can­not be deemed a le­git­i­mate in­stru­ment or in­struc­tion to sec­ondary school prin­ci­pals to car­ry out the ac­tions out­lined above.”

TTUTA claimed, “It is ab­solute­ly dis­re­spect­ful to ed­u­ca­tion pro­fes­sion­als whom the Min­is­ter of Ed­u­ca­tion claims to hold in high re­gard.”

The teach­ers union has al­so raised con­cerns re­lat­ing to its sug­ges­tions that on­ly stu­dents of Forms 5 and 6, who were to work on prac­ti­cal com­po­nents of their dif­fer­ent sub­jects, should be re­turn­ing to school now.

Beck­les claimed, “The ap­proach pro­posed by the Min­istry of Ed­u­ca­tion will be a lo­gis­ti­cal night­mare for our ed­u­ca­tors to teach and man­age both up­per and low­er school stu­dents in the phys­i­cal and vir­tu­al con­texts.”

Beck­les said TTUTA had of­fered var­i­ous so­lu­tions which would al­low stu­dents to ben­e­fit from what is to be de­liv­ered this term and al­so re­duce the dis­rup­tion of the work-life bal­ance of ed­u­ca­tors.

TTUTA al­leged, “Sad­ly, it ap­pears that on­ly lip ser­vice is paid by the Min­is­ter to pre­serv­ing the wel­fare of ed­u­ca­tors and stu­dents.”

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