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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Gopee-Scoon: Caricom stands with Ukraine


1114 days ago
Trade Minister Paula Gopee-Scoon

Trade Minister Paula Gopee-Scoon


Renu­ka Singh

The lone Trinida­di­an liv­ing in war-torn Ukraine is now safe while Car­icvon stands ful­ly be­hind Ukraine, which is cur­rent­ly un­der siege by Rus­sia.

Act­ing Min­is­ter of For­eign Af­fairs Paula Gopee-Scoon on Thurs­day said the Trinida­di­an man and his Ukrain­ian wife were giv­en safe pas­sage to Hun­gary and were mak­ing their way to their fi­nal des­ti­na­tion.

“The pop­u­la­tion would know that in an in­ter­na­tion­al cri­sis as we have to­day, the first re­spon­si­bil­i­ties of any min­istry with re­spon­si­bil­i­ty for For­eign Af­fairs is to in­quire im­me­di­ate­ly so, in­to the safe­ty of its na­tion­al,” Gopee-Scoon said.

“Im­me­di­ate­ly and with the help of many oth­ers along the way, the Min­istry of For­eign and Cari­com Af­fairs was able to guide this gen­tle­man and his part­ner to Hun­gary where they now are,” she said.

She said the T&T Em­bassy in Brus­sels as­sist­ed with the cou­ple’s trav­el.

“This comes on the heels of the gen­er­al state of af­fairs in re­sponse to the cri­sis on Ukraine,” she said.

Gopee-Scoon said at the Unit­ed Na­tions meet­ing, T&T rep­re­sen­ta­tive Dr Den­nis Fran­cis said this coun­try’s for­eign pol­i­cy sup­port­ed democ­ra­cy and the rule of law and T&T did not sub­scribe to any at­tempt to up­set the sov­er­eign­ty of any State.

“The Re­pub­lic of T&T and the peo­ple of T&T stand in sol­i­dar­i­ty with the Gov­ern­ment and the peo­ple of Ukraine, our coun­try re­al­ly is ground­ed in the re­spect for sov­er­eign­ty,” she said.

She said she had “sight” of a com­mu­nique com­ing out of the Cari­com meet­ing and it main­tained the po­si­tion of the Cari­com body “reaf­firmed the pur­pos­es and prin­ci­ples of the Unit­ed Na­tions char­ter and calls for re­spect for ter­ri­to­r­i­al in­tegri­ty and sov­er­eign­ty” of Ukraine.

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