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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Guyana sending relief assistance to Grenada


237 days ago
First shipment of relief aid packed in the cargo hold of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) SkyVan, to be delivered to Grenada, on Tuesday 2 July 2024. (Image courtesy President Irfaan Ali Facebook)

First shipment of relief aid packed in the cargo hold of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) SkyVan, to be delivered to Grenada, on Tuesday 2 July 2024. (Image courtesy President Irfaan Ali Facebook)

Guyana be­gan load­ing the first of sev­er­al flights con­tain­ing re­lief sup­plies to Grena­da on Tues­day, fol­low­ing the bat­ter­ing the coun­try took from the pas­sage of Hur­ri­cane Beryl on Mon­day that left at least three peo­ple dead and se­vere dam­age and de­struc­tion on the sis­ter isle of Car­ri­a­cou.

The Civ­il De­fence Com­mis­sion (CDC) said its staff and mem­bers of the CDC Vol­un­teer Corps packed re­lief ma­te­r­i­al for res­i­dents of Grena­da in­clud­ing tar­pau­lins, chain saws, gen­er­a­tors, bat­ter­ies, torch lights, safe­ty vests, hy­giene items, wa­ter pu­rifi­ca­tion tablets and col­lapsi­ble wa­ter bot­tles.

Pres­i­dent Ir­faan Ali on Tues­day re­leased pic­tures of the Guyana De­fence Force (GDF) Sky­Van packed with an as­sort­ment of items, hours af­ter Grena­da’s Prime Min­is­ter Dick­on Mitchell said he was ex­pect­ing an air­craft from Guyana with much need­ed items.

The Guyana Defence Force (GDF) SkyVan being loaded with supplies for Grenada, on Tuesday 2 July 2024. (Image courtesy President Irfaan Ali Facebook)

The Guyana Defence Force (GDF) SkyVan being loaded with supplies for Grenada, on Tuesday 2 July 2024. (Image courtesy President Irfaan Ali Facebook)

“In the case of Guyana, the plane is al­ready loaded…Even if the plane lands in Car­ri­a­cou, we have to be able to move with­in Car­ri­a­cou so we want to make sure that that takes place first so that when the re­lief sup­plies com­ing via the air­port or the port, we could ac­tu­al­ly get them to the vil­lages with­in the is­land,” Mitchell told a news con­fer­ence ahead of a vir­tu­al meet­ing of CARI­COM lead­ers.

Mitchell said he had specif­i­cal­ly re­quest­ed he­li­copter as­sis­tance as an “im­me­di­ate need” to ac­cess Car­ri­a­cou where al­most all of the build­ings have been flat­tened, telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion ser­vices have been cut and there is no fu­el for heavy du­ty ma­chin­ery.

The Prime Min­is­ter said one per­son died in Grena­da when a tree fell on a house while Hur­ri­cane Beryl slammed the is­lands. Across in Car­ri­a­cou, he said two oth­er per­sons per­ished.

St Vin­cent and the Grenadines Prime Min­is­ter, Dr. Ralph Gon­salves, said one per­son died on sis­ter-is­land Be­quia and that there could be more fa­tal­i­ties.

Gon­salves said Pres­i­dent Ali had promised to send a quan­ti­ty of con­struc­tion ma­te­ri­als to Kingstown. —GEORGE­TOWN, Guyana (CMC)

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