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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Joshua’s body found


Kevon Felmine
1601 days ago
 Joshua Henry

Joshua Henry

Thir­ty-six hours of fran­tic search­ing for Mara­bel­la teenag­er Joshua Hen­ry’s at sea end­ed yes­ter­day morn­ing when fish­er­men re­cov­ered his body.

Hen­ry, 19, of Bat­too Av­enue, Mara­bel­la resur­faced, and fish­er­men found him around 8.30 am on Mon­day, in the same area he dis­ap­peared near the Trinidad Ce­ment Ltd (TCL) jet­ty off the South­ern Main Road, Clax­ton Bay.

St Mar­garet’s Po­lice re­spond­ed to a re­port of his body be­ing found and con­firmed the death. Un­der­tak­ers then took Hen­ry’s body to the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre in St James for an au­top­sy.

Hen­ry, who was sup­posed to write the Caribbean Sec­ondary Ed­u­ca­tion Cer­tifi­cate (CSEC) ex­am­i­na­tion in 2021, was aboard a fish­ing pirogue with oth­er men on Sat­ur­day.

A re­port stat­ed that around noon, they were 200 me­tres away from the jet­ty when the en­gine stalled. Hen­ry jumped over­board and at­tempt­ed to swim to shore to fetch a rope to tow the pirogue. How­ev­er, he be­gan strug­gling in the wa­ter and went un­der­neath the sur­face.

Fish­er­men in the area be­gan a search along with the Coast Guard, who cov­ered an ex­pan­sive por­tion of the Gulf of Paria.

How­ev­er, they were un­suc­cess­ful.

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