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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Kamla tells Hinds 'good riddance'


Shastri Boodan
107 days ago
UNC political Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

UNC political Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

Op­po­si­tion Leader Kam­la Per­sad-Bisses­sar says “good rid­dance” to Laven­tille West MP Fitzger­ald Hinds fol­low­ing the an­nounce­ment that he will be ex­it­ing elec­toral pol­i­tics last week.

Speak­ing af­ter the UNC con­duct­ed its first round of screen­ings ahead of the gen­er­al elec­tions in 2025 at its head­quar­ters at Mulchn Seuchan Road, Ch­agua­nas, Per­sad-Bisses­sar said the re­turn of Hinds in an­oth­er role is a cause for con­cern.

 “I hear the Prime Min­is­ter in his press con­fer­ence (Thurs­day) in­di­cat­ed that  Mr Hinds would not be go­ing back, good rid­dance I say.

"But I am still con­cerned, the Prime Min­is­ter in ad­di­tion to say­ing he (re­fer­ring to Hinds) is not go­ing back for the seat, the Prime Min­is­ter said that Mr Hinds will still be with them in Gov­ern­ment, it's just a side step, we shall see.”

Last Thurs­day, the Prime Min­is­ter re­vealed that Hinds will not be con­test­ing the seat de­spite re­ceiv­ing the back­ing of the Laven­tille West con­stituen­cy ex­ec­u­tive and 37 par­ty league groups.

Row­ley said it was sad to see Hinds go but hoped he would be around with the par­ty or the Gov­ern­ment in some form.

On Fri­day, while in the Sen­ate, Hinds con­firmed his de­par­ture from elec­toral pol­i­tics.

He has been an MP since 1995 and MP for Laven­tille West since 2015.

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