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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Landslide threatens 2 homes in Caparo


866 days ago
Linda Boodhansingh struggles up the muddy slope from her home, which is located at the bottom of a landslide, at Todd’s Station Road yesterday.

Linda Boodhansingh struggles up the muddy slope from her home, which is located at the bottom of a landslide, at Todd’s Station Road yesterday.


Two homes in Ca­paro are un­der threat of be­ing swept away by a land slide that has been slow­ly get­ting worse.

Lin­da Boodans­ingh told Guardian Me­dia yes­ter­day that while road re­pair works may have been a bless­ing for those in the Todds Sta­tion Road area, it has been a curse for her fam­i­ly.

Ac­cord­ing to Boodans­ingh, the road works, which were con­duct­ed a lit­tle over a year ago, had caused the land to shift. The 65-year-old grand­moth­er said she must now tread the ter­rain sur­round­ing her house care­ful­ly, as she knows all too well that one mis­step could be es­pe­cial­ly painful.

She said, “I com­ing down the hill and I fell down a few times. My hand does re­al hurt me now, when rain fall it gets re­al­ly mud­dy and slip­pery as how the land drop­ping, it is hard.”

Boodans­ingh ex­plained that be­cause of the con­di­tions, she has to re­sort to liv­ing like a pris­on­er in her home.

She added: “I am so de­pressed and stressed out, I can’t come out and go and do any­thing, right now I have to go and pay my light bill and my in­ter­net bill and re­al­ly can’t come out.”

Boodans­ingh said in re­cent months, the land­slides near her home have wors­ened, forc­ing her fam­i­ly of 12 to live in con­stant fear.

“I does can­not sleep at night be­cause I so scared that my house will go down, all the cesspit and every­thing gone down and I so scared, al­so my chil­dren and my grand­chil­dren.”

Boodans­ingh, who has been re­sid­ing at Todd Sta­tion Road in Ca­paro for the last 45 years, claimed that there has been ma­jor land move­ment af­ter a team con­duct­ed road re­pair works over a year ago.

“They were fix­ing a part of the road and they dig up the road, they dig the road about 15 feet down and then when we no­tice all the land­slide and thing they grade down all the trees in the back of my house, and ever since that we no­tice the land­slides, the land cav­ing down.”

The el­der­ly woman main­tained that her home, as well as her daugh­ter’s, have start­ed to crack and as the lands around her col­lapse, so too is her be­lief her plight will be ad­dressed.

“I did went to the com­pa­ny pure and told them sev­er­al times about it, every day I keep call­ing them and they not giv­ing me any ac­cu­rate an­swer.”

The de­tails of the land­slide were sent to Works and Trans­port Min­is­ter Ro­han Sinanan, who said the in­for­ma­tion will be passed to the rel­e­vant agen­cies.

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