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Saturday, March 8, 2025

Mayor calls for action to save Lion House


2108 days ago
Lion House on the Chaguanas Main Road.

Lion House on the Chaguanas Main Road.

Shastri Boodan

Ch­agua­nas May­or Gopaul Bood­han has re­newed his ap­peal for the crum­bling Li­on House to be saved from ru­in. He said he is ex­treme­ly sad­dened at the lev­el of di­lap­i­da­tion of the his­toric build­ing.

“Hun­dred of per­sons have called the Of­fice of the May­or call­ing for some in­ter­ven­tion by the own­ers of the house for it to be re­stored. A lot of per­sons want to know the his­to­ry of Ch­agua­nas and when they look at the house they be­come very dis­turbed,” he said.

The may­or called for ac­tion by rel­e­vant state agen­cies. He said va­grants are oc­cu­py­ing the build­ing and he has made nu­mer­ous calls to the Min­istry of So­cial De­vel­op­ment to deal with the sit­u­a­tion but noth­ing has been done.

The on­ly build­ing of its kind in the West­ern Hemi­sphere, Li­on House was con­ceived, de­signed and con­struct­ed by the late Pun­dit Capildeo. It is sym­bol and memo­r­i­al to the 120,000 in­den­tured In­di­an im­mi­grants who came to T&T be­tween 1845 and 1917.

Pun­dit Capildeo was born in 1873 in Ma­hade­vadubey in the dis­trict of Som­ra coun­ty of Gorakh­pur, in the state of Ut­ter Pradash, East Cen­tral In­dia. He broke the bonds of in­den­ture­ship and be­came a high­ly re­spect­ed and suc­cess­ful pun­dit, landown­er, busi­ness­man and cane farmer.

Li­on House was mod­elled af­ter a city dwelling in the town of Gorakh­pur and mir­rors the ear­ly Gup­ta style of the 5th cen­tu­ry AD.

In 1924, Capildeo be­gan the con­struc­tion of the build­ing which he com­plet­ed in 1926 and named it Anand Bha­van or Man­sion of Bliss.

That same year, he left on one of his many trips to In­dia. He nev­er re­turned to Trinidad as he died dur­ing that vis­it.

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