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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Minister assures more game wardens being sought


Shastri Boodan
1650 days ago
Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries, Clarence Rambharat.

Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries, Clarence Rambharat.

Office of the Prime Minister

More game war­dens are com­ing to deal with poach­ers and smug­glers, Min­is­ter of Agri­cul­ture, Lands and Fish­eries said.

His com­ment fol­lows a call by the pres­i­dent of the T&T As­sem­bly of Hunt­ing As­so­ci­a­tions (TTA­HA), Dr Reeza Mo­hammed for the widen­ing of the pool for ho­n­ourary game war­dens to in­clude law en­force­ment of­fi­cers.

In an in­ter­view with Guardian Me­dia, Ram­barat said game war­dens are ap­point­ed by the Pub­lic Ser­vice Com­mis­sion.

He said there are cur­rent­ly around 16 and added that the Per­ma­nent Sec­re­tary in his min­istry has been in­ter­fac­ing with the Com­mis­sion to fill many va­can­cies in­clud­ing Game War­dens and For­est Of­fi­cers.

Mo­hammed had said that poach­ing is a ma­jor con­cern for the TTA­HA.

He said in 2018, the TTA­HA sent a plan to the Min­istry of Agri­cul­ture that pro­pos­es ap­point­ing mem­bers of the De­fense Force as Hon­orary Game War­dens, adding that this would save the state mon­ey, in­crease the man­pow­er to deal with smug­gling and max­i­mize the use of re­sources.

Mo­hammed said that be­cause there are no re­stric­tions per­tain­ing to the sale of wild meat dur­ing the hunt­ing sea­son, some ven­dors at­tempt to sell wild meat that has been smug­gled in­to T&T from South Amer­i­can coun­tries such as Venezuela.

Ac­cord­ing to Dr Mo­hammed, un­der the pro­pos­al to in­cor­po­rate the De­fence Force, no ad­di­tion­al fund­ing will be re­quired for the pay­ment of salaries to the De­fense Force of­fi­cers since a pro­vi­sion is made for the pay­ment of salaries in the an­nu­al bud­getary al­lo­ca­tion of the De­fense Force. No ad­di­tion­al pa­trol costs will be in­curred for ve­hi­cles and fu­el since these phys­i­cal re­quire­ments are al­ready in place an­nu­al­ly.

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