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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Mom abandons baby in garbage bag at SFGH, leaves note

Please take care of her


Kejan Haynes & Jesse Ramdeo
943 days ago
Emanuel Pierre, 26, who found the abandoned baby at the San Fernando General Hospital yesterday.

Emanuel Pierre, 26, who found the abandoned baby at the San Fernando General Hospital yesterday.

A new­born in­fant girl dis­cov­ered in a garbage bag along a cor­ri­dor of the San Fer­nan­do Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal had to re­ceive ur­gent med­ical at­ten­tion yes­ter­day. The ba­by was aban­doned by her moth­er, who left a note at­tached to the child, who ap­peared to be a few weeks old.

Guardian Me­dia un­der­stands that the moth­er asked the state to take care of the child in the note, as she just did not have the means to take do so her­self.

The child was dis­cov­ered by Emanuel Pierre, 26, who had a job in­ter­view at the hos­pi­tal yes­ter­day.

Pierre said some­time be­tween 8.30 and 9 am, he saw a “garbage” bag in a hall­way with its top twist­ed but not tied. He said he heard nois­es from in­side the bag and when he opened it, he made the shock­ing dis­cov­ery.

He said he called out to nurs­es near­by and they ex­am­ined the ba­by and took it for im­me­di­ate treat­ment.

“Well, they came, they looked at it, some of the nurs­es from near­by and they said they had to call the so­cial ser­vices de­part­ment that is in the hos­pi­tal right there and they came and they took it,” Pierre re­called.

He es­ti­mat­ed that the ba­by was on­ly a few weeks old. Pierre has a three-month-old son.

De­spite his act, Pierre said he doesn’t con­sid­er him­self a hero.

“I feel­ing good about it be­cause I was able to save an in­no­cent child’s life,” he said.

He was sad about the cir­cum­stances though.

“Judg­ing from what I saw there, it was a ba­by of Venezue­lan ori­gin,” he said.

“It looks like some­one un­able to take care of the child and just rest it there be­cause as you see, they didn’t kill it or leave it dead or any­thing. [They] just put it where it could be re­trieved. But the way in which it was done was kind of in­hu­mane, see­ing as it was in a bag.”

Pierre con­firmed there was a note in the bag but said he did see what was writ­ten on it.

In a state­ment yes­ter­day, the South­west Re­gion­al Health Au­thor­i­ty (SWRHA) al­so not­ed that an in­ves­ti­ga­tion had been launched to de­ter­mine the cir­cum­stances that led to the in­ci­dent. The SWRHA said it had alert­ed the rel­e­vant part­ner state agen­cies to pro­vide all the nec­es­sary as­sis­tance as re­quired.

Guardian Me­dia un­der­stands that the SWRHA hand­ed the note over to the po­lice as ev­i­dence in their in­ves­ti­ga­tion in­to the mat­ter. It is al­so un­der­stood that the SWRHA will be the cus­to­di­an of the child un­til the State makes a de­ci­sion on who will care for her.

Guardian Me­dia al­so un­der­stands no per­son of in­ter­est has yet been iden­ti­fied in the mat­ter.

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