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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

More bodies recovered as boat capsizes after leaving Antigua


699 days ago

A num­ber of na­tion­als from An­tigua and Bar­bu­da and Africa are re­port­ed miss­ing af­ter the boat in which they were trav­el­ling from An­tigua to St. Thomas in the Unit­ed States Vir­gin Is­lands (USVI) cap­sized ear­ly Tues­day morn­ing.

The state-owned ABS tele­vi­sion re­port­ed that three peo­ple have died as a re­sult of the tragedy and “are all be­lieved to have been from coun­tries in Africa”.

Chief of De­fence Staff of the An­tigua and Bar­bu­da De­fence Force (ABDF), Colonel Tel­bert Ben­jamin, told ABS News that in­for­ma­tion sug­gests the 30 ft ves­sel, Jen­na B, de­part­ed from Urlings in An­tigua with 32 peo­ple on board.

The ves­sel cap­sized and sank in deep wa­ter about 12 nau­ti­cal miles south of Cona­ree in St Kitts, or about 40 miles from An­tigua.

The St Kitts -Nevis De­fence Force has con­firmed that three three bod­ies had been pulled from the wa­ter and that the search is con­tin­u­ing.

Ear­li­er, 16 peo­ple had been res­cued and tak­en to St Kitts. ABS said that the au­thor­i­ties had ear­li­er re­port­ed the first death came from among that group of 16, but have now in­di­cat­ed there is some un­cer­tain­ty about the sta­tus of that in­di­vid­ual.

ABS said that two of the 16 peo­ple res­cued are na­tion­als of An­tigua and Bar­bu­da “while the oth­er 14 are from coun­tries in Africa.

The ABDF Coast Guard is col­lab­o­rat­ing with their St Kitts-Nevis coun­ter­parts, as well as the Mar­itime Res­cue Co­or­di­na­tion Cen­tre from the French is­land of Mar­tinique in the search for the oth­er 16 peo­ple.

The ABDF has al­so de­ployed its fixed-wing air­craft, Al­pha One, in the search ef­fort

(More to fol­low)


ST. JOHN’S, An­tigua, Mar 28, CMC


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