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Saturday, March 22, 2025

No ransom request for Sangre Grande businesswoman


Derek Achong
1639 days ago
Mary Ali

Mary Ali

Rel­a­tives of a San­gre Grande busi­ness­woman, who was kid­napped out­side her fam­i­ly’s su­per­mar­ket on Wednes­day morn­ing, are yet to re­ceive a ran­som re­quest.

Po­lice sources told Guardian Me­dia, that rel­a­tives of Mary Ali, the co-own­er of the Cost Cut­ters chain of su­per­mar­kets, had not re­ceived a call from kid­nap­pers to con­firm she is in their cus­tody or to de­mand pay­ment for her safe re­lease, up to late yes­ter­day.

Con­cerned rel­a­tives de­cid­ed yes­ter­day af­ter­noon to of­fer a re­ward for valid in­for­ma­tion that will lead to her re­cov­ery.

They have guar­an­teed that all in­for­ma­tion or calls will be treat­ed with the strictest con­fi­den­tial­i­ty and have asked callers to con­tact the Ali’s at 273-0123.

Ac­cord­ing to re­ports, around 7.50 am on Wednes­day, Ali parked her ve­hi­cle at the car park of the San­gre Grande branch, lo­cat­ed at the cor­ner of Juter­am and George Streets in San­gre Grande, and was walk­ing to­wards the en­trance.

Two men came out of a car and bun­dled her in­side be­fore dri­ving away in the di­rec­tion of Coalmine, San­gre Grande.

An all-points bul­letin with a de­scrip­tion of the get­away ve­hi­cle was is­sued to ap­pre­hend the sus­pects but no ar­rests were made.

Two of the su­per­mar­ket’s se­cu­ri­ty guards, who were es­cort­ing her, told po­lice that they were fear­ful for their lives so they ran away and hid be­hind a house.

Of­fi­cers from sev­er­al po­lice units in­clud­ing the An­ti-Kid­nap­ping Unit (AKU), Cy­ber­crime Unit, the Spe­cial Op­er­a­tions Re­sponse Team (SORT), and San­gre Grande CID have been as­signed to in­ves­ti­gate the case.

With re­port­ing by Ralph Ban­warie.

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