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Thursday, March 6, 2025

North east coast residents beg for road repairs


838 days ago

Vil­lagers from San Souci to Matelot are be­com­ing more fear­ful that they may be cut off from oth­er ar­eas due to de­plorable road con­di­tions which wors­ened with this week's rain­fall.

Ero­sion along the road­way is eat­ing away the road in­fra­struc­ture and vil­lagers fear the road­way may soon be­come im­pass­able, cut­ting off vil­lagers from the rest of Trinidad.

Cur­rent­ly, some parts of the road can on­ly ac­com­mo­date singe lane traf­fic and in those cas­es, small ve­hi­cles bare­ly squeeze along the road.

Matelot vil­lager Ralph said the gov­ern­ment had spent mil­lions on re­pairs in some ar­eas but the prob­lem quick­ly re­turned due to the type of soil in­volved.

He sug­gest­ed it was time the Gov­ern­ment, Min­istry of Works and San­gre Grande Re­gion­al Cor­po­ra­tion make a de­ci­sion to di­vert the road away from the trou­ble ar­eas and bring some re­lief to vil­lagers.

Vil­lager John Lewis agreed with Ralph but said the road con­di­tions are pure­ly due to ne­glect in main­te­nance.

Lewis said there are SGRC em­ploy­ees and Min­istry of Works gangs em­ployed to main­tain the roads but they are fail­ing to do what they are be­ing paid for.

He said the drains are not cleaned, over­hang­ing bush­es along the road are not cut and there is no ac­cess for the wa­ter to run off when it rains, which he be­lieves is part of the rea­son for the de­plorable road con­di­tions.

Lewis said it was un­fair to wait for 2023 for road re­pairs, adding it is on­ly a mat­ter of time be­fore road­way along the north east coast col­laps­es.

Louise Lewis said peo­ple are liv­ing in fear.

“To­co is sink­ing, as the sea is tak­ing away most of the road­way,” she said, call­ing on Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley to come and see for him­self.

“We just don’t know when a mishap will take place,” she added.

Vil­lagers of Anglais Road said the road con­di­tion there is so de­plorable they can­not walk the road.

"We have to spend mon­ey reg­u­lar­ly to main­tain ve­hi­cles. Our chil­dren can­not en­joy rid­ing their bi­cy­cles or play­ing a game. We are all iso­lat­ed be­cause of poor rep­re­sen­ta­tion,” vil­lagers said.

Ot­t­ley Brig­gs said they have been liv­ing in Anglais for years and the road is in now its worst con­di­tion.

“Roads are paved where eyes of of­fi­cials can see, mak­ing them be­lieve that the en­tire road is paved," Brig­gs said.

“We pay­ing tax­es and we should be pro­vid­ed with all ba­sic ameni­ties,” added Cathe­ri­na Noel.

Coun­cil­lor Ter­ry Ron­don agreed the roads were in de­plorable con­di­tion and get­ting worst. He said the lack of was the prob­lem for the cor­po­ra­tion.

How­ev­er, To­co/San­gre Grande MP Roger Munroe said he and Ron­don are hav­ing a di­a­logue with Min­is­ter of Works Ro­han Sinanan to bring some rem­e­dy to the vil­lagers. - Re­port­ing by Ralph Ban­warie


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