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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Parents protest after Princess Elizabeth nurses cancel transport for children to Games


9 days ago
Parents of children from Princess Elizabeth Centre protest outside the facility in Woodbrook yesterday.

Parents of children from Princess Elizabeth Centre protest outside the facility in Woodbrook yesterday.

Ot­to Car­ring­ton

Se­nior Re­porter


A group of par­ents of chil­dren at­tend­ing the Princess Eliz­a­beth Cen­tre gath­ered yes­ter­day out­side the fa­cil­i­ty, to ex­press their out­rage over a sud­den de­ci­sion by nurs­es to can­cel trans­porta­tion arrange­ments for chil­dren un­der their care.

The chil­dren, who have spe­cial needs, were sched­uled to par­tic­i­pate in the Cen­tral Games at the Diego Mar­tin Sport­ing Com­plex.

How­ev­er, when they turned up at the cen­tre yes­ter­day, the nurs­es had can­celled the trans­porta­tion that was arranged to take them to the event.

This left par­ents scram­bling to make al­ter­na­tive arrange­ments, while voic­ing their dis­ap­point­ment over the lack of com­mu­ni­ca­tion from med­ical staff and man­age­ment.

Ac­cord­ing to one par­ent, Moyza­lin Le­tren, the can­cel­la­tion was abrupt and they were giv­en no ex­pla­na­tion.

“We have no idea what is go­ing on. The nurs­es didn’t say any­thing. The ma­tron didn’t come to us and say any­thing. They just can­celled—just like that. Even yes­ter­day, if they had can­celled then, peo­ple would have known what to do to­day,” she added.

Many par­ents had tak­en the day off from work to ac­com­pa­ny their chil­dren, on­ly to be met with the sud­den change.

Le­tren not­ed, “I took a day off to spend time with my child, and now this hap­pens. But that’s their job. How could you tell me they don’t want to go when that’s what they’re get­ting paid to do? They’re sup­posed to go!”

“None of them came to apol­o­gise. None of them came to ex­plain. None of them came to tell us any­thing,” Le­tren added.

“This is dis­ap­point­ing for the chil­dren. They are the ones be­ing af­fect­ed. If there is an is­sue with the teach­ers or par­ents, deal with that sep­a­rate­ly—but do not af­fect the chil­dren. You all are get­ting paid to do some­thing. We deal with our chil­dren every day. You just have them for a few hours. So please, come out and do what you are get­ting paid to do.”

Guardian Me­dia at­tempt­ed to con­tact the ma­tron at the cen­tre but calls to the of­fice land­line went unan­swered.

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