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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Pilot critically injured after diving accident


Elizabeth Gonzales
Christon Battersby, 27, of Maracas Valley, St Joseph, who is a CAL pilot, was critically injured during a diving incident at Pigeon Point, Tobago.

Christon Battersby, 27, of Maracas Valley, St Joseph, who is a CAL pilot, was critically injured during a diving incident at Pigeon Point, Tobago.

A Caribbean Air­lines (CAL) pi­lot may be paral­ysed af­ter a div­ing ac­ci­dent at Pi­geon Point, To­ba­go, on Sat­ur­day.

Po­lice told Guardian Me­dia, Chris­ton Bat­ters­by, 27, of Mara­cas Val­ley, St Joseph, was with friends at the Pi­geon Point Jet­ty around mid­day when he dove in­to the wa­ter and hit his head on an un­known ob­ject. The im­pact knocked him un­con­scious.

His friends and a passer­by pulled him to shore, and CPR was per­formed for 20 min­utes be­fore emer­gency per­son­nel ar­rived.

He was tak­en to the Scar­bor­ough Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal, where doc­tors said he ap­peared to be paral­ysed from the neck down.

Doc­tors re­port­ed that Bat­ters­by broke his neck in two places and suf­fered spinal cord in­juries, leav­ing him in crit­i­cal con­di­tion.

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