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Sunday, March 23, 2025

PM hits back at UK MP who raised stranded nationals’ plight


1619 days ago
UK MP Steve Baker pictured in Whitehall in January 2020.

UK MP Steve Baker pictured in Whitehall in January 2020.

Dominic Lipinski/PA

Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley last night hit back at the British MP who raised the plight of Trinidad and To­ba­go na­tion­als strand­ed in the UK due to the clo­sure of T&T bor­ders since March.

Speak­ing at a Peo­ple’s Na­tion­al Move­ment post-Bud­get meet­ing in Bel­mont, Row­ley de­scribed Steven Bak­er, the Con­ser­v­a­tive rep­re­sen­ta­tive for Wycomb, as an “itin­er­ant British MP” that the Unit­ed Na­tion­al Con­gress had found to raise the is­sue in the UK Par­lia­ment.

Speak­ing in the UK Par­lia­ment on Tues­day, Bak­er ap­pealed to the T&T Gov­ern­ment to repa­tri­ate its cit­i­zens strand­ed in the UK.

“I’ve got Trinidad and To­ba­go res­i­dents or cit­i­zens in my con­stituen­cy burn­ing through their sav­ings re­al­ly ter­ri­fied about fail­ing to get home to pro­tect their homes and busi­ness­es from ap­proach­ing se­vere weath­er. Can I ask the min­is­ter to join me in call­ing on Trinidad and To­ba­go to make sure their cit­i­zens get home, I think it’s our com­mon hu­man­i­ty to en­able peo­ple to re­turn home to pro­tect their homes,” Bak­er said.

How­ev­er, the Prime Min­is­ter told sup­port­ers that Gov­ern­ment un­der­stood the hard­ship be­ing ex­pe­ri­enced by cit­i­zens abroad due to the bor­der clo­sure as part of the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic, but had sent cash to em­bassies and mis­sions abroad to as­sist those who were re­al­ly des­ti­tute abroad while it ac­cel­er­at­ed the process of repa­tri­at­ing cit­i­zens.

While he ad­mit­ted the cash may not have been a lot, he said the Unit­ed Na­tion­al Con­gress got Bak­er to un­der­mine T&T by rais­ing the is­sue in the British par­lia­ment.

“The UNC once again, un­der­min­ing Trinidad and To­ba­go’s po­si­tion, the UNC through, through Mooni­lal and Kam­la Per­sad-Bisses­sar, find some itin­er­ant British MP, some fel­lah called Steve Bak­er. He ig­nore what we have done and what we are do­ing for our peo­ple, he gone in­side the British par­lia­ment to go and raise is­sue about hu­man­i­tar­i­an con­di­tions for Trinidad and To­ba­go cit­i­zens on be­half of the UNC in Eng­land in the Par­lia­ment. So once again the UNC is pre­pared to nasty up Trinidad and To­ba­go’s name and tak­ing cred­it for it,” Row­ley said.

He said as fate would have it, he met with the new­ly-ap­point­ed British High Com­mis­sion­er to T&T, Har­ri­et Cross, at White­hall on Tues­day. The very next day, how­ev­er, was when he learned of Bak­er’s com­ments.

“By Wednes­day in the Par­lia­ment, I am dis­cov­er­ing that the UNC is in the British par­lia­ment at the back­bench ly­ing on Trinidad and To­ba­go and get­ting some per­son to por­tray our coun­try in the worst pos­si­ble light,” the Prime Min­is­ter said.

“All I will say to Mr Bak­er, if you are in­ter­est­ed in the peo­ple of Trinidad and To­ba­go and if you are in­ter­est­ed in the peo­ple of Trinidad and To­ba­go and if you have noth­ing to do in Wycombe and you want to help us, we try­ing to get back ah set ah mon­ey that they thief from Trinidad that is in Eng­land, try and get the British to help us get back the mon­ey that they thief from Trinidad.”

He added, “They have al­ready got a se­nior coun­sel from Britain plead­ing guilty in a Port-of-Spain court for thief­ing pub­lic mon­ey with the as­sis­tance of UNC of­fi­cials. There is much more to that, so Mr Bak­er, you will be re­ceiv­ing a cor­re­spon­dence from me per­son­al­ly ask­ing you to help us bring back those who have stolen our mon­ey and have it in Britain and are in Britain, bring it back to jus­tice in Trinidad and To­ba­go.”

In a wide-rang­ing ad­dress, Row­ley al­so touched on the pro­pos­al to raise the re­tire­ment age to 65. He said the NIB is “in dan­ger of head­ing to­wards bank­rupt­cy” and in­creas­ing the re­tire­ment age was one of the ways to pre­vent that.

He said there will be con­tin­ued con­ver­sa­tions about rais­ing the re­tire­ment age.

He al­so said while the planned pri­vati­sa­tion of the Port of Port-of-Spain may lead to job loss­es, the cur­rent mod­el un­der the Min­istry of Works and Trans­port hasn’t worked.

He was crit­i­cal of the UNC, de­scrib­ing mem­bers of the par­ty as “un­pa­tri­ot­ic un­der­min­ers of T&T.”

Com­ment­ing on the UNC’s con­tri­bu­tions to the Bud­get de­bate, which wrapped up in the House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives on Wednes­day, the PM said it was “the worst de­bate I have ever had the chance to see or par­tic­i­pate in.”

Fi­nance Min­is­ter Colm Im­bert and Ed­u­ca­tion Min­is­ter Nyan Gads­by Dol­ly al­so spoke at last night’s meet­ing.

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