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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Police union not supporting lawsuit by some cops over promotion


1518 days ago
Ag. Inspector Gideon Dixon, president of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service Social and Welfare Association (TTPSSWA). Image courtesy TTPS.

Ag. Inspector Gideon Dixon, president of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service Social and Welfare Association (TTPSSWA). Image courtesy TTPS.

The Trinidad and To­ba­go Po­lice Ser­vice So­cial and Wel­fare As­so­ci­a­tion (TTPSS­WA) has dis­tanced it­self from a law­suit be­ing mount­ed by some po­lice of­fi­cers over their fail­ure to be pro­mot­ed.

In an of­fi­cial state­ment re­leased to­day—signed by the As­so­ci­a­tion’s pres­i­dent Ag. In­spec­tor Gideon Dixon—the TTPSS­WA says its Ex­ec­u­tive has not en­dorsed the court ac­tion, and hints that it may be pre­ma­ture.

“We would like to em­phat­i­cal­ly state that the ac­tions tak­en by in­di­vid­u­als, in­clud­ing high rank­ing As­so­ci­a­tion of­fi­cials yes­ter­day Re: In­junc­tion, was not en­dorsed by the As­so­ci­a­tion's Ex­ec­u­tive,” the As­so­ci­a­tion’s pres­i­dent says in the re­lease.

While of­fer­ing con­grat­u­la­tions to those po­lice of­fi­cers who were con­firmed to a high­er rank in the Po­lice Ser­vice, Ag In­spec­tor Dixon says the As­so­ci­a­tion’s Ex­ec­u­tive does not sup­port the le­gal ac­tion, “be­cause we said that it was not in the best in­ter­est of the gen­er­al mem­ber­ship”.

The po­lice union boss al­so gave as­sur­ances that he and the Ex­ec­u­tive re­spect due process, as well as the right of those in­di­vid­u­als to ex­er­cise their le­gal op­tions.

He added: “The Ex­ec­u­tive of­fers words of con­so­la­tion to the of­fi­cers who were left dis­ap­point­ed yes­ter­day, Tues­day 22 De­cem­ber 2020, and would like to say that we be­lieve that con­fir­ma­tion is in­evitable, as the process was fair, trans­par­ent and ac­cu­rate.”

An in­junc­tion filed by 29 of­fi­cers who are chal­leng­ing the Or­der of Mer­it list, stopped the planned pro­mo­tion of 39 sergeants to the rank of in­spec­tor this week.

In ad­di­tion, To­ba­go po­lice of­fi­cers who were re­cent­ly screened for pro­mo­tion to the rank of In­spec­tor, al­so have com­plained about the eval­u­a­tion process for pro­mo­tion, say­ing it was rife with in­con­sis­ten­cies, bi­ased and in breach of es­tab­lished pro­mo­tion poli­cies.  They have thrown their sup­port be­hind the in­junc­tion which stopped Tues­day’s for­mal swear­ing-in cer­e­mo­ny.

Last week, on Wednes­day 16 De­cem­ber 2020, some 91 po­lice sergeants were pro­mot­ed to the rank of in­spec­tor.


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