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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Price Club Supermarket allocates $500,000 for COVID relief


1156 days ago
President of the Supermarket Association (SATT) Rajiv Diptee, left, presents the supermarket of the year award to the winners Shamshad Ali and his wife Sheliza during an award ceremony, Price Club Supermarket, Ramsaran Street, Chaguanas, on Saturday.

President of the Supermarket Association (SATT) Rajiv Diptee, left, presents the supermarket of the year award to the winners Shamshad Ali and his wife Sheliza during an award ceremony, Price Club Supermarket, Ramsaran Street, Chaguanas, on Saturday.


Price Club Di­rec­tor Shamshad Ali says the su­per­mar­ket will com­mit a min­i­mum of $500,000 to as­sist peo­ple who have been se­vere­ly af­fect­ed by COVID-19.

He was speak­ing at the com­pa­ny’s Won­der and Joy prize-giv­ing cer­e­mo­ny for its cus­tomers at its com­pound, in Cen­ter Pointe Mall, Ram­saran Street, Ch­agua­nas, Sat­ur­day.

Price Club Su­per­mar­ket al­so re­ceived the Peo­ple’s Choice Award for In­de­pen­dent Su­per­mar­ket of the Year Award 2021 by the Su­per­mar­ket As­so­ci­a­tion of T&T (SATT).

Ali said, “For 2022, our goal is with the as­sis­tance of all the coun­cil­lors of each of the 22 elec­toral dis­tricts in Ch­agua­nas and Cou­va, to de­liv­er as­sis­tance as need­ed to those who are iden­ti­fied as be­ing se­vere­ly af­fect­ed by the cur­rent state of hard­ship.

“The Price Club shall con­tin­ue to as­sist com­mu­ni­ties where it can. We shall com­mit a min­i­mum of $500,000 to this project.

“COVID-19 has re­vealed that the pover­ty line is ris­ing, those fam­i­lies who may seem not to be in need, but by the loss of that month­ly pay­check, find them­selves in a po­si­tion where food is not avail­able on their ta­ble.”

He said some peo­ple were as­set rich but in­come poor, this was now ex­ac­er­bat­ed with the in­creas­ing food prices.

Ali re­vealed that lo­cal food pro­duc­tion was on the rise, but there was a long way to go to achieve food in­de­pen­dence on im­port­ed food.

Pres­i­dent of the Ch­agua­nas Cham­ber of In­dus­try and Com­merce Richie Sookhai said when Price Club came in 1994, Ram­saran Street saw an up­ward tra­jec­to­ry in de­vel­op­ment.

He said this pros­per­i­ty by busi­ness­es re­flect­ed what the day­time com­merce of Ch­agua­nas was and al­so what the pos­si­ble night-time com­merce could be like that of Ari­api­ta Av­enue.

Sookhai said with the help of all the dif­fer­ent stake­hold­ers in the com­mu­ni­ty, he would like to see that ma­te­ri­alise.

Agri­cul­ture Min­is­ter Clarence Ramb­harat said peo­ple had to make the de­ci­sion if they want­ed to re­main healthy by eat­ing fresh foods in sea­son or high­ly processed for­eign foods and be con­front­ed by a va­ri­ety of health is­sues.

Al­so present at the event were Su­per­mar­ket As­so­ci­a­tion of T&T (SATT) pres­i­dent Ra­jiv Diptee, Jus­tice of the Peace and Al­der­man Ch­agua­nas Bor­ough Cor­po­ra­tion Kar­ran Nan­coo and coun­cil­lor Per­se­ver­ance/Wa­ter­loo Cou­va/Tabaquite/Tal­paro Re­gion­al Cor­po­ra­tion (CT­TRC) Dubraj Per­sad.  

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