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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Ramischand has choice words for Deyalsingh


1648 days ago

At least two doc­tors, in­clud­ing one work­ing at the Health Min­istry, two lawyers and one ac­coun­tant were at the “pri­vate beach par­ty” that is cur­rent­ly en­gag­ing the at­ten­tion of po­lice, ac­cord­ing to a post on the Face­book ac­count of Odai Ramis­c­hand, the fa­ther of the woman who post­ed a video of the event on so­cial me­dia over the week­end.

Guyana-born at­tor­ney Ramis­c­hand al­so used his so­cial me­dia plat­form to send an ex­plic­it mes­sage to Health Min­is­ter Ter­rence Deyals­ingh, over the min­is­ter’s com­ments against his daugh­ter Saman­tha, who was seen in the video.

Late Tues­day, sev­er­al posts sur­round­ing the con­tentious is­sue were post­ed on Ramis­c­hand’s Face­book page. In an ap­par­ent re­sponse to the se­vere crit­i­cism of his daugh­ter’s post, Ramis­c­hand said his fam­i­ly and friends had gath­ered to cel­e­brate his last son’s 15th birth­day.

“So it was not a frol­ic of their own kind of thing or any type of bizarre or un­civilised be­hav­iour,” a post on Ramis­c­hand’s FB ac­count stat­ed.

Ramis­c­hand said the event was on 600 acres of pri­vate­ly owned land but they were ad­her­ing to the so­cial gath­er­ing reg­u­la­tions.

“There were many of them there but stay­ing in dif­fer­ent hous­es so as not to vi­o­late the not more than five gath­er­ing rule,” he post­ed.

Among those in at­ten­dance were his daugh­ter Saman­tha, who post­ed the video, her sis­ter Ra­mona, her hus­band Ashan, as well as her Ramis­c­hand’s sons Sid­dhar­ta and Ki­rana.

“If my daugh­ter Dr Ra­mona Ramis­c­hand pro­vides health care ser­vices to the peo­ple of Trinidad and To­ba­go, don’t you think she would have cau­tioned her sis­ter about her con­duct on the pri­vate fam­i­ly beach and beach hous­es?” Ramis­c­hand post­ed.

Deyals­ingh took Saman­tha to task for the video she post­ed on the par­ty dur­ing Mon­day’s COVID-19 press con­fer­ence, since the use of all beach­es, rivers and streams dur­ing the cur­rent pan­dem­ic is against the health reg­u­la­tions.

Ramis­c­hand did not mince words in his mes­sage to Deyals­ingh.

“F--- you and your fam­i­ly and be pre­pared for a fight you have nev­er ex­pe­ri­enced be­fore,” Ramis­c­hand post­ed.

“I shall beg no quar­ters and seek no favours one of us shall be dec­i­mat­ed and pul­verised and I am sure it will not be me.”

Ramis­c­hand, how­ev­er, said his mes­sage to Deyals­ingh was not a threat.

“I do not mean any vi­o­lence what­so­ev­er but the pur­suit of jus­tice by the might wealth and pow­er of my fam­i­ly,” he stat­ed.

The is­sue of pri­vate beach­es has al­so come to the fore.

Ramis­c­hand stat­ed that “all the talk of the law of the sea­wa­ter lines and ter­ri­to­r­i­al bound­aries are sub­sumed, sub­merged and ex­tin­guished when the Re­al Prop­er­ty Lim­i­ta­tion Act kicks in and is in­voked if you are in oc­cu­pa­tion of pri­vate prop­er­ty for 16 years and more.”

He said since the mur­der of his daugh­ter Niki­ta he en­sures the need for fam­i­ly time.

“I have a du­ty and a re­spon­si­bil­i­ty as a good fa­ther to en­gage my chil­dren in ac­tiv­i­ties to al­le­vi­ate their grief and pain and suf­fer­ing be­cause of the de­nial of jus­tice to my fam­i­ly,” Ramis­c­hand stat­ed.

Niki­ta, 18, was be­lieved to have been am­bushed and mur­dered as she was walk­ing to her moth­er’s sa­lon, which is lo­cat­ed on the prop­er­ty of the fam­i­ly’s Mara­cas, St Joseph home, in 2012. Her body was found at the back of the com­pound by fam­i­ly mem­bers who went search­ing for her af­ter she did not an­swer her moth­er’s calls to her cell­phone. There was a main sus­pect in that case but no charges were ever laid against him.

The T&T Po­lice Ser­vice ex­e­cut­ed a search war­rant at St Au­gus­tine house on Tues­day, where elec­tron­ic de­vices were seized as part of the in­ves­ti­ga­tion in­to the mat­ter.

Ramis­c­hand was al­so tak­en to task on so­cial me­dia af­ter his posts, which were filled with gram­mat­i­cal and spelling er­rors, went vi­ral.

“Please do not be­rate me for my poor pub­li­ca­tion on Face­book I am learn­ing to use same,” he stat­ed.

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