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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Sinanan: Ministry to crackdown on heavy trucks


Shastri Boodan
170 days ago
Works Minister Rohan Sinanan, left, chats with NCIC head Deoroop Teemal at a cultural show for delegates of a three-day Hindi Conference at the NCIC Nagar, Chaguanas on Saturday.

Works Minister Rohan Sinanan, left, chats with NCIC head Deoroop Teemal at a cultural show for delegates of a three-day Hindi Conference at the NCIC Nagar, Chaguanas on Saturday.


The Min­istry of Works and Trans­port will crack­down on heavy trucks us­ing unau­tho­rised roads. This an­nounce­ment was made by Works and Trans­port Min­is­ter Sen­a­tor Ro­han Sinanan when he spoke with Guardian Me­dia on Sat­ur­day night fol­low­ing a cul­tur­al show for del­e­gates of a three-day Hin­di Con­fer­ence at the NCIC Na­gar, Ch­agua­nas.

Sinanan said that even though many roads have signs about the weight lim­i­ta­tions for ve­hi­cles, dri­vers sim­ply ig­nore the signs and pro­ceed on these road­ways caus­ing dam­age to the in­fra­struc­ture.

Sinanan said, “There is an ex­ist­ing law, any ex­ist­ing heavy ve­hi­cle has to be li­cenced and you have to go to the trans­port board and they give you spe­cif­ic routes to trav­el on. Un­for­tu­nate­ly a lot of these re­strict­ed ve­hi­cles try to take short cuts and so on and they go on roads that are not de­signed. It’s a mat­ter of en­force­ment, the law ex­ists and it’s a mat­ter of en­force­ment which we will be step­ping up up­on.”

Sinanan said his min­istry is putting sys­tems in place to have weight-re­strict­ed routes po­liced by Traf­fic War­dens and law en­force­ment au­thor­i­ties.

“It’s un­fair that these heavy trucks will go in and dam­age the roads and in some cas­es the same truck own­ers are the ones we have to pay to re­build the road,” he said.

Sinanan said a height bar­ri­er had to be placed over the Per­se­ver­ance Road Riv­er Bridge to pre­vent heavy ve­hi­cles from cross­ing. He said on the day the bridge was opened dri­vers of heavy trucks sim­ply ig­nored the warn­ing signs and drove across the struc­ture.

Sinanan said this bridge was con­struct­ed sev­er­al decades ago and can­not han­dle the ex­ces­sive weight. He said it was re­paired in time for the open­ing of the school term. He said the fi­nal paving of the abut­ment of the Bridal Road Bridge would take place af­ter WASA com­pletes works lat­er this week.

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