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Thursday, March 20, 2025

Southern police foil potential gang war


2 days ago

A joint po­lice op­er­a­tion re­sult­ed in the seizure of a "sig­nif­i­cant cache of firearms" and the ar­rest of three sus­pects though the T&T Po­lice Ser­vice gave no de­tails on a num­ber.

The op­er­a­tion, co­or­di­nat­ed by the Deputy Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice, In­tel­li­gence and In­ves­ti­ga­tions Suzette Mar­tin was launched on Sat­ur­day, af­ter of­fi­cers re­ceived cred­i­ble in­tel­li­gence in­for­ma­tion which in­di­cat­ed that sev­er­al armed in­di­vid­u­als were gath­ered at a premis­es at Ed­in­burgh Vil­lage, Ch­agua­nas and were al­leged­ly prepar­ing to launch an at­tack on a ri­val gang.

The South­ern Di­vi­sion Task Force ex­e­cut­ed a high-risk in­ter­ven­tion at the iden­ti­fied lo­ca­tion. Up­on ar­rival at the lo­ca­tion, of­fi­cers ob­served a white Toy­ota Aqua mo­tor ve­hi­cle, parked along the pave­ment, sur­round­ed by a group of men.

A sub­se­quent search of the ve­hi­cle’s trunk re­vealed a large cache of hand­guns spread across the com­part­ment. The firearms were seized and se­cured as ev­i­dence while a 22-year-old man from 7th Street, Ed­in­burgh 500, a 43-year-old man from 5th Street, Spring­land, Gas­par­il­lo, and a 20-year-old man from Ca­can­dee Road, Fe­lic­i­ty, Ch­agua­nas were de­tained at the scene.

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