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Saturday, March 22, 2025

St Vincent quiet, businesses open


1443 days ago
Lava flows from the La Soufriere volcano, in St Vincent, last evening, as residents began evacuation of the island, yesterday.

Lava flows from the La Soufriere volcano, in St Vincent, last evening, as residents began evacuation of the island, yesterday.

An­na-Lisa Paul

A 25-year-old res­i­dent of Kingstown has de­scribed this morn­ing's dawn across SVG as calm and qui­et so far.

Based in the green zone which is fur­thest away from the dan­ger zone, the young man who works for a pri­vate com­pa­ny said some busi­ness­es are open­ing as nor­mal as their em­ploy­ers have not giv­en any di­rec­tives to re­main at home.

Speak­ing with Guardian Me­dia Lim­it­ed around 6 am to­day, the res­i­dent said up to late last evening there was pan­ic buy­ing and bak­eries had run out of bread. Es­sen­tial sup­plies like bot­tled wa­ter and canned foods were al­so said to be in high de­mand.

He said some emer­gency shel­ters had not been ready to be­gin re­ceiv­ing per­sons last night and as a re­sult peo­ple were forced to sleep on the floor at some lo­ca­tions.

The young man said his fam­i­ly has not had to open their home to ac­com­mo­date evac­uees but that is a pos­si­bil­i­ty as peo­ple flee the dan­ger zone lo­cat­ed on the op­po­site end of the is­land.

He is un­cer­tain if banks will be open to­day but has promised to keep Guardian Me­dia in­formed of what is hap­pen­ing through­out the day.

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