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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Sunshine Snacks opens door to nuts vendors for CPL


News Desk
1989 days ago
Popular nuts vendor Keith 'Jumbo' Martin.

Popular nuts vendor Keith 'Jumbo' Martin.

Sun­shine Snacks has an­nounced that it has tak­en the ex­ec­u­tive de­ci­sion to open the gates of the Queen’s Park Oval to lo­cal nuts ven­dors to sell home­made roast­ed peanuts fol­low­ing a pub­lic call by crick­et sup­port­ers.

Sun­shine Snacks is an of­fi­cial spon­sor of the T20 crick­et Caribbean Pre­mier League (CPL) and the Trin­ba­go Knight Rid­ers (TKR).

In a state­ment Mon­day, Sun­shine Snacks Gen­er­al Man­ag­er Kris­tine Thomp­son stat­ed, “As an of­fi­cial spon­sor of TKR, who ac­tu­al­ly own the rights to sell­ing at the Queen’s Park Oval- their home grounds, Sun­shine Snacks pur­chased the ex­clu­sive right to sell snacks and nuts dur­ing the games and we struc­tured our pro­mo­tions and events along those lines. But the peo­ple have spo­ken and we have lis­tened.”

The com­pa­ny said it will now par­tial­ly waive its paid ex­clu­sive rights and al­low lo­cal nuts ven­dors to ply their trade at the games.

Ex­plain­ing the change of heart and un­der­scor­ing that the com­pa­ny had en­gaged the lo­cal nuts as­so­ci­a­tion mem­bers since last sea­son, Thomp­son ex­plained, “ Since Ju­ly 2017, we have been in com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the lo­cal nuts ven­dors, in fact one of the nuts ven­dors is al­ready sell­ing our prod­ucts at the games. But when the crick­et fans spoke out in favour of all nuts sell­ers be­ing there as a crit­i­cal part of the Oval Crick­et Cul­ture and the game ex­pe­ri­ence…we sim­ply de­cid­ed to put our hearts ahead of our strict spon­sor­ship rights.”

Sun­shine Snacks notes that its spon­sor­ship of CPL and the TKR has brought "ex­cit­ing new fea­tures to the games in­clud­ing the “Hit the Sun to win Chal­lenge”, free give­aways, the crowd favourite ‘snack-launch­er’ plus the chance to win an all-in­clu­sive lime to the CPL Fi­nal".

Com­ment­ing on the com­pa­ny’s role as spon­sor, she re­it­er­at­ed, “Sun­shine Snacks has al­ways re­spect­ed and pro­mot­ed lo­cal and re­gion­al cul­ture. We took on this spon­sor­ship to sup­port amaz­ing crick­et and to bring the game and its strong cul­ture of fam­i­ly fun to a whole new gen­er­a­tion of Caribbean youth. We loved crick­et grow­ing up in the Caribbean and we love how this ex­cit­ing for­mat has brought new life to the sport and re­gion­al to­geth­er­ness.”

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