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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Teen among 2 shot while playing cards


Ralph Banwarie
35 days ago

Po­lice in San­gre Grande are in­ves­ti­gat­ing the shoot­ing of a 33-year-old man and a 17-year-old on Sun­day night.

Po­lice said the vic­tims were among a group of peo­ple play­ing cards on the road at El Car­men Ex­ten­sion, Fos­ter Road, around 9 pm when a gun­man, dressed in black and wear­ing a ski mask, ap­proached. He pulled out a firearm and opened fire on the 33-year-old. Dur­ing the shoot­ing, the 17-year-old was al­so in­jured, while the oth­ers ran for safe­ty.

A strug­gle oc­curred be­tween the gun­man and the old­er vic­tim, who man­aged to pull off the gun­man’s mask and re­alised he recog­nised him. The two had pre­vi­ous­ly had an ar­gu­ment. The gun­man then fled the scene.

Both vic­tims were tak­en to San­gre Grande Hos­pi­tal, where they were treat­ed and re­mained for med­ical care.

Foren­sic of­fi­cers processed the area, re­cov­er­ing 10 spent 9mm shell cas­ings. Po­lice said an ar­rest is ex­pect­ed soon.

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