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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Trade Ministry tells businesses measures are to protect all


1416 days ago
Scores of people turned up at Cross Crossing, San Fernando, yesterday, to purchase fast food from food trucks which were allowed to remain open after restuarants were closed in the latest public health ordinance.

Scores of people turned up at Cross Crossing, San Fernando, yesterday, to purchase fast food from food trucks which were allowed to remain open after restuarants were closed in the latest public health ordinance.

Kristian De Silva

The Min­istry of Trade has is­sued a state­ment telling the busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty that the pub­lic health mea­sures that we im­ple­ment­ed last Fri­day un­der a new health or­di­nance, were done to “pre­serve the health and safe­ty of their cus­tomer base, em­ploy­ees and by ex­ten­sion cit­i­zens of Trinidad and To­ba­go”.

The state­ment was in re­sponse to com­ments from the var­i­ous busi­ness as­so­ci­a­tions to the gov­ern­ment’s re­cent de­ci­sion to lim­it the op­er­a­tions of cer­tain busi­ness­es in an at­tempt to stem rapid­ly ris­ing COVID-19 in­fec­tions.

Among the new mea­sures im­ple­ment­ed last week, malls, restau­rants, bars, cin­e­mas, casi­nos, beau­ty par­lours, gyms and fit­ness cen­tres were closed.

The mea­sures run un­til May 23.

The min­istry said it ac­knowl­edged the sac­ri­fice of the pri­vate sec­tor, es­pe­cial­ly medi­um, small and mi­cro en­ter­pris­es in the last 13 months, but re­mind­ed that sev­er­al sec­tors re­main open for busi­ness.

It ad­vised the sec­tors that were forced to close to utilise al­ter­na­tive means to en­sure their sus­tain­abil­i­ty, in­clud­ing and to ex­plore e-com­merce op­tions.

The min­istry al­so said all busi­ness­es must see it as their solemn re­spon­si­bil­i­ty to strict­ly ob­serve the pub­lic health guide­lines to en­sure the health and safe­ty of em­ploy­ees and cus­tomers.

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