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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

TS Karen brings floods, damage to Tobago


1983 days ago
The damaged Plymouth jetty in Tobago

The damaged Plymouth jetty in Tobago

Re­ports of dam­ages are pour­ing in­to the To­ba­go Emer­gency Man­age­ment Agency (TEMA) as a re­sult of Trop­i­cal Storm Karen.

At least sev­en fish­ing ves­sels have sunk in the Ply­mouth area and parts of the di­lap­i­dat­ed Ply­mouth Jet­ty have col­lapsed in­to the sea. The wa­ter­course ad­ja­cent to the Starfish Ho­tel (pre­vi­ous­ly Tur­tle Beach Ho­tel ) has over­flown its bank caus­ing flood­ing.

There are al­so re­ports of a col­lapsed house in Ma­son Hall and se­vere flood­ing in Scar­bor­ough.

Guardian Me­dia will pro­vide up­dates through­out the day as this sit­u­a­tion de­vel­ops.

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