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Thursday, March 20, 2025

T&T records 48 COVID deaths in 48 hours


1214 days ago

The Min­istry of Health yes­ter­day re­port­ed that an­oth­er 20 peo­ple had died from COVID-19, tak­ing the fig­ure to 48 deaths in two days and to 1,967 over­all.

In its dai­ly up­date, the min­istry said amongst the de­ceased with­in the 24-hour re­port­ing pe­ri­od were five el­der­ly males, 11 el­der­ly fe­males and four mid­dle-aged males. It said 18 of the vic­tims had a mix­ture of var­i­ous co­mor­bidi­ties, in­clud­ing di­a­betes, hy­per­ten­sion, kid­ney dis­ease, heart dis­ease, asth­ma, obe­si­ty and a his­to­ry of strokes. The oth­er two vic­tims had no known med­ical con­di­tions.

On Sat­ur­day, the min­istry re­port­ed 28 deaths, the high­est since the start of the pan­dem­ic last March, among them a child.

The 404 new cas­es took the over­all toll to 65,889 peo­ple who have so far con­tract­ed the virus. There are now 8,611 ac­tive cas­es and 518 pa­tients in hos­pi­tal.

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