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Saturday, March 22, 2025

TTFF receives $200,000 grant from Ministry of Tourism


News Desk
1650 days ago
Senator the Honourable Randall Mitchell, Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts, presents the cheque to Mrs. Kamille-Ann Lynch-Griffith, of FILMCO.

Senator the Honourable Randall Mitchell, Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts, presents the cheque to Mrs. Kamille-Ann Lynch-Griffith, of FILMCO.

he Trinidad and To­ba­go Film Fes­ti­val Com­mit­tee re­ceived a grant of $200,000 from the Min­istry of Tourism, Cul­ture and the Arts, un­der the Cul­ture and Cre­ative Arts Fund (CCAF).

Min­is­ter of Tourism Ran­dall Mitchell pre­sent­ed the cheque to Mrs. Kamille-Ann Lynch-Grif­fith, of FILM­CO, at the Min­istry’s of­fice at the In­ter­na­tion­al Wa­ter­front Com­plex this af­ter­noon.

The fol­low­ing is a press re­lease fromthe Min­istry of Tourism:

The Min­istry of Tourism, Cul­ture and the Arts, un­der the Cul­ture and Cre­ative Arts Fund (CCAF), has fa­cil­i­tat­ed a grant in the sum of $200,000 to the Trinidad and To­ba­go Film Fes­ti­val Com­mit­tee.

In a brief cer­e­mo­ny this af­ter­noon (Sep­tem­ber 14, 2020), Sen­a­tor the Ho­n­ourable Ran­dall Mitchell, Min­is­ter of Tourism, Cul­ture and the Arts, pre­sent­ed the cheque to Mrs. Kamille-Ann Lynch-Grif­fith, of FILM­CO, at the Min­istry’s of­fice at the In­ter­na­tion­al Wa­ter­front Com­plex, 1A Wright­son Road, Port-of-Spain.

Al­so in at­ten­dance was Ms. Janelle Jef­frey-Joseph, of the Min­istry’s Grants Unit.

Min­is­ter Mitchell con­grat­u­lat­ed the TTFF for pro­duc­ing an ex­cep­tion­al vir­tu­al film fes­ti­val thus far, and an­tic­i­pates more in­no­v­a­tive ideas from the Com­mit­tee in the com­ing years. He shared that, “Giv­en the chal­lenges con­fronting the cre­ative sec­tor, it is in­deed heart­en­ing to see that the Trinidad and To­ba­go Film Fes­ti­val has found a way to re­main con­nect­ed to au­di­ences by con­tin­u­ing to share sto­ries and show artis­tic ex­pres­sion through film.”

In ex­press­ing her grat­i­tude, Mariel Browne, Co-Founder and In­ter­im Ex­ec­u­tive Di­rec­tor of FILM­CO and co­or­di­na­tor of the Film Fes­ti­val, said, “We at FILM­CO are in­cred­i­bly ap­pre­cia­tive to the Min­istry of Tourism, Cul­ture and the Arts for con­tin­u­ing to sup­port the trinidad+to­ba­go film fes­ti­val, and for stand­ing by us in this most chal­leng­ing of years. We look for­ward to ex­pand­ing and deep­en­ing our re­la­tion­ship as we move for­ward.”

Trinidad and Tobago Film Festival CommitteeMinistry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts

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