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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Two men escape injury as tree crashes onto shed


25 days ago
The remains of the tree that crashed onto the business shed at Palmiste Park in San Fernando on Friday 21 February 2025.

The remains of the tree that crashed onto the business shed at Palmiste Park in San Fernando on Friday 21 February 2025.

Two men nar­row­ly es­caped in­jury af­ter a fire-dam­aged tree snapped, crash­ing down on­to a busi­ness shed at Palmiste Park in San Fer­nan­do.

Guardian Me­dia un­der­stands the tree first caught fire on Wednes­day night af­ter some­one lit garbage un­der it.

When the fire restart­ed to­day, the Fire Ser­vices were con­tact­ed, and it was ex­tin­guished.

How­ev­er, the fire re-ig­nit­ed for a third time, and the tree fell on the shed and wash­room fa­cil­i­ties, caus­ing those near­by to scam­per to safe­ty.

One eye­wit­ness, Chat­er­am Paras­ram, ex­plains what he saw.

“I went in the back there [by the bush­es]. When I hear that the tree was break­ing, I run across and tell the own­er of the shed that the tree was ging to fall down. When I walked back, I hear ‘BA-DANG!’ and one part of the tree fall down,” he re­count­ed.

Ven­dor, De­vanand Ra­moutar, says he was in the shed when he heard the crack­ing noise.

“I was in­side the mar­ket stall and all of a sud­den, I hear a noise and then the tree fall on this [shed], and I looked for cov­er,” he told Guardian Me­dia.

Work­ers from the Forestry Di­vi­sion and Dis­as­ter Man­age­ment Unit from the Pe­nal Debe Re­gion­al Cor­po­ra­tion re­spond­ed.

The tree was cut in­to pieces and re­moved.

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