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Sunday, March 23, 2025

US Coast Guard rescues 33 migrants from sinking vessel off Haiti


422 days ago

The Unit­ed States Coast Guard says the crew of its Cut­ter De­pend­able res­cued 33 Hait­ian mi­grants on Mon­day af­ter their ves­sel be­gan tak­ing on wa­ter about six miles north of Cap-Hai­tien, Haiti.

The US Coast Guard said that Coast Guard Dis­trict Sev­en watch­standers re­ceived no­ti­fi­ca­tion from the De­pend­able’s crew “af­ter they en­coun­tered a sail­ing ves­sel tak­ing on wa­ter.”

“All 33 peo­ple were brought aboard the De­pend­able and trans­ferred to Hait­ian au­thor­i­ties in good health, Tues­day,” the US Coast Guard said.

Lieu­tenant Chelsea Cham­ber­lain, a US Coast Guard Dis­trict Sev­en en­force­ment of­fi­cer, praised the crew for the res­cue ef­fort.

“De­pend­able’s crew did a great job of rapid­ly re­spond­ing to the dan­ger­ous sit­u­a­tion,” Cham­ber­lain said. “The peo­ple were ac­tive­ly bail­ing out wa­ter in heavy seas and, if our crew hadn’t ar­rived when they did, the ves­sel would have like­ly suc­cumbed to the sea.”

The US Coast Guard al­so said that it col­lab­o­rat­ed with Puer­to Ri­co Po­lice air and sur­face crews in res­cu­ing three boaters from a cap­sized ves­sel just off Desecheo Is­land, Puer­to Ri­co, on Tues­day.

The US Coast Guard said those res­cued were Ab­diel Al­varez, 21, Car­los Rosa­do, 23, and Jer­ry Mendez, 21, af­ter the 18-foot ves­sel “La Chupi” cap­sized, and “the men were able to suc­cess­ful­ly climb on top of the over­turned ves­sel.”

The boaters were wear­ing life jack­ets when res­cued.

“The swift co­or­di­na­tion and col­lab­o­ra­tion amongst all re­spond­ing units, in­clud­ing Puer­to Ri­co Po­lice Joint Forces of Rapid Ac­tion ma­rine unit CO­BRA 54 led to the suc­cess­ful res­cue of three in­di­vid­u­als,” said Chief War­rant Of­fi­cer Daniel Capes­tany, US Coast Guard Sec­tor San Juan com­mand du­ty of­fi­cer for the case.

“The boater’s abil­i­ty to es­tab­lish com­mu­ni­ca­tions with a 911 emer­gency op­er­a­tor and re­lay a pre­cise lo­ca­tion was in­stru­men­tal to their res­cue,” he added.


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