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Friday, March 14, 2025

Venezuelan woman, 22, robbed, raped in Heights of Aripo


1030 days ago

Rhon­dor Dowlat-Ros­tant

Po­lice are prob­ing the al­leged kid­nap­ping, rob­bery and rape of a 22-year-old Venezue­lan woman on Tues­day night.

The woman was al­leged­ly tak­en to an aban­doned shack lo­cat­ed in the Heights of Aripo, where she was as­sault­ed. 

Ac­cord­ing to a po­lice re­port, the vic­tim board­ed a white Nis­san Ti­i­da at Hol­lis Av­enue, Ari­ma, at 7.38 pm. 

At the time, the ve­hi­cle was oc­cu­pied by the dri­ver—a slim built man of African de­scent, dark brown in com­plex­ion with a goa­tee beard, plait­ed hair­style and ap­prox­i­mate­ly six feet tall—, and a fe­male front seat pas­sen­ger of African de­scent, fair in com­plex­ion, slim built, with or­ange-colour hair. 
Po­lice said short­ly af­ter, a male and fe­male pas­sen­ger en­tered the ve­hi­cle and the dri­ver drove off. 

The back­seat fe­male pas­sen­ger was dropped off at La Chance Trace, O’Meara Road and the male pas­sen­ger was dropped off in Sama­roo Vil­lage. 

The dri­ver and the fe­male front seat pas­sen­ger then left with the vic­tim. The dri­ver then drove to the Mal­abar In­dus­tri­al Es­tate, where he stopped near the Sher­win Williams com­pound. The dri­ver then re­clined his seat, held the Venezue­lan woman against her will and de­mand­ed she hand over her cash and valu­ables. She hand­ed over her hand­bag, which con­tained a Sam­sung A52 cell­phone val­ued at $2,700, $12 cash and her im­mi­gra­tion doc­u­ments. 

She was then tak­en to the Heights of Aripo against her will, where the dri­ver stopped at an aban­doned shack near the WASA pump sta­tion by the riv­er. The dri­ver took the woman in­to the shack and had sex­u­al in­ter­course with her against her will. The fe­male front seat pas­sen­ger re­mained in the ve­hi­cle dur­ing this at­tack. 

The vic­tim re­mained in the aban­doned shack un­til she heard the car dri­ve off, then made her way to a house on the Aripo Road, from where po­lice were con­tact­ed. 

The vic­tim was then tak­en to the Mt Hope Women’s Hos­pi­tal where she was med­ical­ly ex­am­ined.

Any­one with in­for­ma­tion is asked to con­tact the po­lice at 999, 555, 800 TIPS or the TTPS App.



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