Zookeepers at the Emperor Valley Zoo in Port-of-Spain have claimed that they were not given official notice that a grand fireworks display would take place at the Queen’s Park Savannah on Independence Day.
Speaking to Guardian Media anonymously, one zookeeper said members of staff only found out about the display on Thursday morning.
“Only on the morning of Independence Day, when the staff saw the fireworks being set up did, we know for sure that this was happening,” he said. “How could no prior notice be given? Isn’t an event like this supposed to be put out for public notice? Or do the rules and/or common courtesy just not apply anymore?”
Guardian Media can confirm that Fire One Fireworks, who puts on the display, did place a notice on social media warning of the impending fireworks in three locations—Port-of-Spain, San Fernando and Eddie Hart Savannah in Tacarigua. However, it is unclear if there were any discussions prior to this announcement.
Despite the short notice, the Zookeeper said members of staff were able to pull together and station themselves at different sections of the Zoo, although he said this did not do much as the animals were extremely started by the noises.
"It was a bit scary for me to see the animals panicking and not being able to escape the noise. Many animals were moving about frantically and banging into parts of their cages,” he admitted.
“I saw the giraffe, the impala, and the zebra all gallop in fright. The raccoons were behaving hysterically, running back and forth, practically bouncing off the sides of the cage. One of the kangaroos hid next to a zookeeper and would not leave her side, while the other kangaroo hopped up and down the length of their cage. The llama stood together in their herd with their zookeeper and kept looking at him as though to ask what they should do or to have him comfort them,” he said.
The zookeeper added:
“The flying foxes, which some may know as peaceful fruit bats, were anything but peaceful. These poor animals attempted to fly to safety and as a result banged themselves multiple times on the fencing. I felt most sorry for the flamingos, as they bore the brunt of the noise coming at them. The birds huddled together in their pond and were pacing in a circle, trying to find safety. All of the smaller birds were beaten up in their cages, as they all attempted to escape the noise by flying. We are still assessing injuries to these animals,”.
The Zookeeper said they are most concerned about the injuries some of the birds sustained, and if they do not die immediately, they may die later on.
Speaking on behalf of other zookeepers, he revealed that they felt helpless and as though the authorities did not care about the Zoo.
The major Independence Day fireworks displays took place on Thursday 31st August, around 8 pm at the Queen’s Park Savannah in Port-of-Spain, the Eddie Hart Savannah in Tacarigua, and the San Fernando Hill, San Fernando.
On Friday, Founder of Animals 360 Foundation and the Fireworks Action Coalition of T&T, Roger Marshall, called on authorities to do better than to continue the grand fireworks display at the Queen’s Park Savannah. He said although there were fewer complaints coming out of residential areas this time around, their major concern is the harmful effects on animals at the Emperor Valley Zoo.
Marshall also called on the Attorney General, Reginald Armour, to speed up the process to get the Fireworks Bill passed.