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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Browne-John leads women's selection panel


Sports Desk
1979 days ago
Ann Browne-John - West Indies women’s chief selector

Ann Browne-John - West Indies women’s chief selector

Ashley Allen

ST JOHN’S, An­tigua – For­mer Wind­ward Is­lands bats­man Miles Bas­combe has been ap­point­ed to the men’s se­nior se­lec­tion pan­el, which will be head­ed up by for­mer West In­dies off-spin­ner and head coach, Roger Harp­er.

Bas­combe, who has nev­er held a se­nior se­lec­tion post pre­vi­ous­ly, was a sur­prise choice an­nounced by Crick­et West In­dies on Mon­day to serve on the high pro­file three-man com­mit­tee, which al­so com­pris­es Phil Sim­mons, the new men’s head coach.

Bas­combe played a sin­gle T20 In­ter­na­tion­al eight years against Eng­land, in a weak­ened West In­dies squad that drew a two-match se­ries in Lon­don.

And his 24-match first-class ca­reer was large­ly a tepid one, pe­ter­ing out fol­low­ing the 2017 sea­son when he played just two match­es with lit­tle suc­cess for Vol­ca­noes.

Sig­nif­i­cant­ly, Bas­combe was a mem­ber of the re­cent CWI Se­lec­tion Sys­tem Task Force, which was chaired by fel­low Vin­cent­ian and CWI vice-pres­i­dent Dr Kishore Shal­low, and charged with over­haul­ing re­gion­al se­lec­tion pol­i­cy.

The 33-year-old, Uni­ver­si­ty of the West In­dies grad­u­ate, serves as first vice-pres­i­dent of St Vin­cent and the Grenadines Crick­et As­so­ci­a­tion which is head­ed by Shal­low.

For­mer in­ter­na­tion­al crick­eter, Ann Browne-John, will mean­while serve as the chief se­lec­tor for the women’s pan­el, along with for­mer West In­dies bats­man, Travis Dowl­in, with the head coach com­ple­ment­ing the three-mem­ber com­mit­tee.

Ja­maican Robert Haynes, re­cent­ly the in­ter­im chair­man of se­lec­tors, will serve as tal­ent ID man­ag­er for the boys’ pan­el.

“We have been de­light­ed at the in­ter­est and qual­i­ty of can­di­dates who par­tic­i­pat­ed in the re­cruit­ment process to fill the roles for the se­lec­tion pan­els,” said Shal­low, who chaired the pan­el in­ter­view­ing can­di­dates.

“These roles are vi­tal to ex­e­cute the new se­lec­tion pol­i­cy to se­lect squads for the West In­dies teams at every lev­el. We wish the se­lec­tors every suc­cess as they com­mence work im­me­di­ate­ly.”

Harp­er, who played 25 Tests and 105 One-Day In­ter­na­tion­als, comes high­ly rec­om­mend­ed af­ter al­so hav­ing served as West In­dies head coach be­tween 2000 and 2003.

His first job will be to se­lect the squad which will face Afghanistan in three T20 In­ter­na­tion­als, three ODIs and a one-off Test from No­vem­ber 5 to De­cem­ber 1 in In­dia.

Browne-John, re­cent­ly the in­ter­im man­ag­er/se­lec­tor for the women’s unit, will al­so sit down short­ly with Dowl­in, who in the past has served on the men’s se­nior pan­el, to de­cide on a squad for In­dia Women’s tour of the Caribbean be­gin­ning No­vem­ber 1.

Ac­cord­ing to CWI, 18 can­di­dates were in­ter­viewed for the post of se­lec­tors across the three pan­els be­fore a short­list of 10 was ar­rived at.

Di­rec­tor of crick­et, Jim­my Adams, said he be­lieved the move to use three dif­fer­ent pan­els to ad­dress the se­lec­tion of the var­i­ous West In­dies rep­re­sen­ta­tive teams, would pay div­i­dends.

“Af­ter a com­pre­hen­sive re­vamp of our se­lec­tion sys­tem in­clud­ing the in­tro­duc­tion of sep­a­rate pan­els, I am con­fi­dent that our abil­i­ty to iden­ti­fy and man­age tal­ent will be en­hanced,” he not­ed.

“I have all con­fi­dence that the new sys­tem, along with the se­lec­tors cho­sen to the var­i­ous pan­els will con­tin­ue to help dri­ve our game in this crit­i­cal area.”

The men’s squads for the Afghanistan tour will be named on Tues­day.


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