Top cricket coach Debideen Manick envisages a paradigm shift in the way the youngsters are taught the game as local Level I and II coaches come together for a two-day workshop to upgrade their skills.
Manick who along with Bhoodish Dookie, another highly regarded coach will conduct the programme Saturday (November 19) and Sunday (Nov 20) from 9 am each day at the Sir Frank Worrell Development Centre at Balmain, Couva.
“The T&T Cricket Board (TTCB) quite rightly has identified the need to revisit how things are done to improve the methods of coaching which has a direct link to improving the standard of the game,” Manick said on Thursday.
“The timely intervention of the TTCB will address the challenges regional cricketers face against their traditional rivals and lesser developed cricket nations who are now making a great impact on the world stage.”
The former local government councillor for Felicity/Endeavour notably played a major role in coaching Clico Preysal Sports Club to the top echelon of local cricket, and has remained committed to youth development over the years.
Manick said while the fundamentals of the game remain the same the Level I and II coaches will be required to adopt methodologies and concepts to improve their craft and boost the competitiveness of their charges.
“The focus will be on technique, preparation, developing intensity and strategies. It is a way the Cricket Board in India and the sport’s other powerhouses have adopted to great effect,” said Manick.
President of the TTCB Azim Bassarath has acknowledged the importance of having the local coaches update their skills bank and said the idea of the workshop came out of meetings with the chairmen and secretaries of the zonal councils, and coaches involved in youth cricket.
“The zonal councils were requested to nominate the coaches who meet the eligibility standards to participate in the workshop which we are certain will redound to the benefit of cricket at all levels,” said Bassarath on Thursday.
Coach Manick said the course program will embrace both theoretical, practical and philosophical aspects of the game and involve a high level of information sharing among the coaches.
He said he has worked with his fellow facilitator Dookie in the past and will rely on his repository of knowledge and experience to enhance the experience of the coaches.
Central zone: Robert Mahabir, Keith Joseph, Adesh Dass, Fareed Khan, Ishwar Ramnath
East zone: Clint Pamphille, Egan Bazzey, Mikhail Williams, Kirt Francis
North East: Bhagwandass Ramlogan, James Singh, Mitra Ragoonanan, Nisar Mohammed, Lester Hanooman
South: Kalapersad Sanise, Kemchan Deosaran, Stephen Ramjattan, Christopher Ragoonansingh
South East: Angard Ramdaya, Ravi Teeluck, Nicholas Ramkissoon, Faoud Bassarath, Stephen Persad
South West: Grayson Alexis, Ashram Gangabissoon, Shurland Beckles, Kitaka Lessey
North: Keston Lewis
Additional: Ashmeer Ali