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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Lionel Messi set to travel with Inter Miami for crucial Concacaf clash in Jamaica


Sport Desk
10 days ago
Lionel Messi is set to travel with Inter Miami to Jamaica.

Lionel Messi is set to travel with Inter Miami to Jamaica.

Courtesy Intermiamicf

KINGSTON, Ja­maica – Ja­maica foot­ball fans could very well get their wish of see­ing glob­al su­per­star Li­onel Mes­si in the flesh, as it was con­firmed on Wednes­day that the Ar­gen­tine icon will ac­com­pa­ny the In­ter Mi­a­mi team to Ja­maica for their Con­ca­caf Cham­pi­ons Cup round of 16 sec­ond-leg match against Cav­a­lier on Thurs­day.

The 37-year-old su­per­star’s par­tic­i­pa­tion had been in doubt af­ter he missed both the first-leg en­counter against Cav­a­lier last week and In­ter Mi­a­mi’s MLS fix­ture against Char­lotte FC on Sun­day.

How­ev­er, Mes­si has been ac­tive­ly train­ing in re­cent days, in­clud­ing a ses­sion on Wednes­day morn­ing, sig­nalling his readi­ness to join the squad.

In­ter Mi­a­mi head coach Javier Mascher­a­no con­firmed that the World Cup win­ner will be on the flight to Kingston, though he stopped short of guar­an­tee­ing Mes­si’s in­volve­ment in the match.

“Leo is in the squad. He is go­ing to trav­el, and to­mor­row we will de­cide on the day of the game what is best, whether he starts, whether he waits and comes on lat­er. We will see how it goes,” Mascher­a­no said Wednes­day.

“To­day he trained with the group. He did the whole train­ing ses­sion and (his feel­ings) were very good.”

If Mes­si plays, it will be his first match since Feb. 25 that the mid-field mae­stro will grace a foot­ball field.

In­ter Mi­a­mi cur­rent­ly hold a 2-0 ag­gre­gate lead head­ing in­to the sec­ond leg, putting them in a strong po­si­tion to ad­vance in the tour­na­ment.


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