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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Raye on top of the World


Clayton Clarke
25 days ago
Lisa Raye, second from left, and sister Xenia, second from right, with mother Ava Skeete, left and father Lionel Raye at the 2024 National Junior and Senior Track and Field Championships at the Hasely Crawford Stadium,  Mucurapo, Port-of-Spain on June 29.

Lisa Raye, second from left, and sister Xenia, second from right, with mother Ava Skeete, left and father Lionel Raye at the 2024 National Junior and Senior Track and Field Championships at the Hasely Crawford Stadium, Mucurapo, Port-of-Spain on June 29.


With the Carif­ta Track and Field Cham­pi­onships less than two months away at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um in Mu­cu­rapo, Port-of-Spain, Lisa Raye is al­ready shin­ing for the world.

The reign­ing na­tion­al Un­der-17 100-me­tre and 200m cham­pi­on blazed to a World U-18 60m best time of 7.13 sec­onds in rac­ing to vic­to­ry in the High School dash at the pres­ti­gious Mil­rose Games in New York City, New York, USA on Feb­ru­ary 8.

The 17-year-old im­proved the pre­vi­ous mark of 7.18, held by Amer­i­can Shawn­ti Jack­son in 2002. The West War­wick High stu­dent al­so re­set the US High School record and is at the top of the World U-20 rank­ings.

The US-born teenag­er al­so moved up to joint sec­ond on the T&T se­nior women's in­door 60m all-time list along with Kel­ly-Ann Bap­tiste, who sped to a then-na­tion­al record of 7.13 in 2008. Both are be­hind Michelle-Lee Ahye's 7.09 time es­tab­lished in 2016.

Raye al­so set a new T&T Na­tion­al U-20 in­door record dis­lodg­ing Bap­tiste's 7.32 from the top spot.

Raye, whose moth­er is from Siparia, ex­tend­ed her record form to the 200m as she cracked the na­tion­al U-20 mark in that event as well af­ter she raced to 23.39 in Vir­ginia on Jan­u­ary 18. She eclipsed an­oth­er of Bap­tiste's records, her 23.68 clock­ing from 2002. Paris Olympian Sole Fred­er­ick al­so moved past Bap­tiste with her 23.40 run in Clem­son, South Car­oli­na on Feb­ru­ary 15.

Re­act­ing to her record-break­ing feat, Lisa told Guardian Me­dia Sports she was sur­prised by her record run.

"When I ran that time it was re­al­ly shock­ing be­cause dur­ing the race I did not even think I won. I thought I came in sec­ond or third. I have been want­i­ng to break that na­tion­al record record in the 60m," said Raye, adding the clock­ings in­di­cat­ed that her train­ing is on tar­get. "I think we are just right. The (60m race) will help me im­prove in my 200m and 100m times."

The 11th-grade stu­dent is look­ing to im­prove her times in the out­door sea­son.

"More per­son­al bests, run­ning and faster and get­ting faster. I want to run low 11s (in the 100m) or maybe un­der (11) and hop­ing to (run a) PR (per­son­al record) in the 200m."

Raye's fa­ther Li­onel is one of her coach­es. She trains along­side her el­der sis­ter Xe­nia who is the 2024 na­tion­al U-20 100m 200m win­ner.

An­oth­er US-based ath­lete who has been break­ing records is Dy­lan Woodruffe who sped to a na­tion­al U-20 200m mark of 21.29 in rac­ing to gold in Gainesville, Flori­da on Jan­u­ary 26.

Cougars' Woodruffe, who trains at IMG in Flori­da, an­chored T&T gold in the Boys' U-20 4x100m re­lay at the 2024 Carif­ta Games. He is look­ing for­ward to com­pet­ing at this year's Carif­ta Track and Field Cham­pi­onships at home.

"I am very ea­ger. Hope­ful­ly, I get to make (the team) in both events 100m and 200m and the (4x100m) re­lay, of course. The home Games are al­ways the best Games and I want to be rep­re­sent­ing T&T on home ter­ri­to­ry."

Reign­ing Carif­ta cham­pi­on and record hold­er Janae De Gannes is al­so mak­ing waves on the US Col­le­giate cir­cuit. De Gannes won the 2024 Girls U-20 long jump crown with 6.50m to set a new Games record. The Bay­lor Uni­ver­si­ty fresh­man has sur­passed the Carif­ta Girls' U-20 long jump stan­dard of 5.50m sev­er­al times with her best of 6.43m achieved in Lub­bock, Texas on Jan­u­ary 17.

Pey­ton Win­ter has bet­tered the Girls' U-20 shot put qual­i­fy­ing mark of 11.74m at four of the meets she par­tic­i­pat­ed in thus far. The Burn­ley throw­er won sil­ver in the Girls U-17 shot put in 2023 and 2024 and will look to im­prove on gold this year.

"I have been per­form­ing well but there is al­ways room for im­prove­ment. My train­ing is com­ing along ex­treme­ly well. I am look­ing for­ward to com­pet­ing at the Carif­ta Games at home. I am ex­cit­ed and ready to com­pete," said Win­ter.

World Un­der-20 In­door Rank­ings


60m: 1st Lisa Raye (West War­wick/Track Blaz­ers) 7.13, W U-18 Best 31st Sanaa Fred­er­ick (Geor­gia/Sim­plex) 7.39

200m: 4th L Raye23.39, 5th Sole Fred­er­ick (Geor­gia/Sim­plex) 23.40 , 35th Sanaa Fred­er­ick (Geor­gia/Sim­plex) 24.02; 108th Xe­nia Raye (West War­wick/Track Blaz­ers) 24.49

Long jump: 3rd Janae De Gannes (Bay­lor/Con­corde) 6.43


800m: 121st-Keer­an Sriskan­dara­jah 1:54.06

World U-18 In­door Rank­ings


60m: 1st Lisa Raye (West War­wick/Track Blaz­ers) 7.13

200m: 1st L Raye 23.39

List of Carif­ta Track and Field Cham­pi­onsh­ps Qual­i­fiers (For­eign-based)

Janae De Gannes (Bay­lor/Con­corde)

Girls U-20 LJ (5.50)

6.34 - 2 Texas A & Mc­Fer­rin 12 De­gree In­vite, Col­lege Sta­tion, Texas, Jan 10

6.43 - 3 Corky Clas­sic, Lub­bock Texas, Jan 17

6.27 - 4 De­Loss Dodds In­vi­ta­tion­al, Man­hat­tan, Kansas, Jan 31

6.35 - 2 Jarvis Scott In­vite,Lub­bock, Feb 14 Texas,

Dy­lan Woodruffe (IMG/Con­corde)

Boys U-20 200m (21,74)

21.29 - 1 RA­DO Sun­shine Show High School, Gainesville, Flori­da, Jan 25-26

21.32 -1 Leg­ends of Alachua Coun­try In­vi­ta­tion­al, Gainesville, Flori­da, Feb 1-2

Girls U-20 200m (24.67)

Lisa Raye (West War­wick/Track Blaz­ers)

23.39 - 1, Vir­ginia Beach, Vir­ginia, Jan 18

23.45 - New York, New York, Jan 24

Sole Fred­er­ick (Geor­gia/Sim­plex)23.40, Clem­son, South Car­oli­na, Feb 15

23.61 - Col­lege Sta­tion, Texas, Jan 25

23.84 - Fayet­teville, Arkansas, Jan 31

24.02 - Sanaa Fred­er­ick (Geor­gia/Sim­plex), Col­lege Sta­tion, Texas, Jan 25

Xe­nia Raye (West War­wick/Track Blaz­ers)

24.49 - New York, New York, Jan 24

Boys U-20 800m (1:55.86)

Keer­an Sriskan­dara­jah: 1:54.06 - Lon­don, Eng­land, Jan­u­ary 5

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