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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Roxbury, Rivalz top National Pool League


Sport Desk
32 days ago
Roxbury Shot Callers members Roger Stewart, from left, Raj Persad (Cap't), Kumar Singh, Peter Gajai, Jonathan Goring, Kendrick Roopnarine, Brian Bisnath, Akash Poon and Steven Bipat who defeated Scotchies Nubian Kings in the National Pool League’s Division One on Tuesday night.

Roxbury Shot Callers members Roger Stewart, from left, Raj Persad (Cap't), Kumar Singh, Peter Gajai, Jonathan Goring, Kendrick Roopnarine, Brian Bisnath, Akash Poon and Steven Bipat who defeated Scotchies Nubian Kings in the National Pool League’s Division One on Tuesday night.

Courtesy NPL

Rox­bury Shot Callers con­tin­ue to set the pace in the Na­tion­al Pool League’s Di­vi­sion One. Their lat­est state­ment, a 4-1 win away from home against Scotchies Nu­bian Kings on Tues­day night.

In the match played at Bil­liards Place, Aranguez, Jonathan Gor­ing got the Shot Callers off to a great start with a 4-nil win over Mukesh Ramk­nath. That win in­clud­ed a gold­en nine, (nine on the break) in the third frame.

The sec­ond game be­tween Bri­an Bis­nath and May­ton Charles was more com­pet­i­tive with Bis­nath win­ning the con­test four frames to three. Home­boy Charles start­ed off well with a ta­ble run in the first frame, on­ly for Bis­nath to bounce back with three con­sec­u­tive wins. Charles hit back with two com­bi­na­tion nines (tack­les) but Bis­nath pre­vailed with a win in the sev­enth frame.

The third game was the dou­bles en­counter and that al­so went the way of the vis­i­tors. Rox­bury cap­tain Raj Per­sad teamed up with Pe­ter Ga­jai to play Deck­lon Ash­ton and Lind­say Whiskey. The hosts took the first frame but Per­sad and Ga­jai, like their team­mates be­fore, won the next three. Ash­ton and Whiskey pulled with­in one at 2-3 but that was as close as they got. The Shot Callers took care of busi­ness in the first three games to win the match.

The on­ly ca­su­al­ty for Rox­bury was Roger Stew­art who went un­der to Brent John 1-4. Akash ‘Knuck­les’ Poon made the match score 4-1 with a com­pre­hen­sive four frames to one win over An­tho­ny John. Through eleven weeks of com­pe­ti­tion the Cunu­pia-based Shot Callers, boast ten wins and just one loss.

In oth­er Di­vi­sion One match­es, Sicar­ios reg­is­tered their sec­ond con­sec­u­tive shutout, beat­ing Pan­thers 5-0 away from home at Play­house in Barataria. It was a clin­ic from the Sicar­ios as Mikkel Govia start­ed things off with a 4-nil win over Bri­an So­rias. Clint Mara­jh was near per­fect de­feat­ing Pan­thers cap­tain, Shamir Ny­sus 4-1. In the dou­bles game, Sachin Ram­nar­ine and Dy­lon King were al­so 4-1 win­ners over Kevin Car­dinez and Videsh Dupraj. Al­lan Lawrence, who is un­de­feat­ed in eight match­es, beat Glen Ra­goo 4-2 and the on­ly close game was the fifth en­counter be­tween Waz­im Mo­hammed and Al­lan Per­sad with Per­sad pre­vail­ing 4-3. Sicar­ios, with a record of nine wins and two loss­es, are sec­ond on the stand­ings and is the on­ly team to have reg­is­tered a win over the ta­ble-top­ping Shot Callers in the league thus far.

For­mer lead­ers Pock­et Preda­tors have fall­en off the boil and af­ter los­ing three match­es in a row, find them­selves fourth on the stand­ings. Their lat­est loss came at Lucky Sports Bar in Ec­cles Vil­lage, Williamsville, where the home team Lucky Sports won the en­counter four games to one.

The re­main­ing match­es saw third place Unit­ed Stars de­feat JJ Shoot­ers 3-2; Ago­ra Stingers beat Top Shooterz Krew 3-2; Crazy 8’s de­feat­ed Ken­ny’s 3-2 and Dekko All Stars downed Shoot­ing Stars 3-2.

In the Pre­mier di­vi­sion: Ri­valz are back on top of the Pre­mier­ship stand­ings af­ter de­feat­ing Sicar­ios 3-2 at Bil­liards Place in Aranguez on Wednes­day. Ryan Mo­hammed, Ran­dall Bood­han and the dou­bles pair of Clint Bachan and Kr­ishen­dath Heer­alal were the win­ners for the Ri­valz while Adri­an Lo­gie and Adri­an Mo­ra were vic­to­ri­ous for Sicar­ios. De­spite the loss, Sicar­ios main­tain their hold on third place on the ta­ble.

Cuetrollerz trav­elled to Curepe to take on Gold­en Arch­es and came away with a 4-1 win.

D Un­der­dawgs were al­so 4-1 win­ners over The An­ni­hi­la­tors.

Unit­ed Stars, who are sec­ond on the stand­ings, were sched­uled to play Cen­tral Stars, but the stars from Cen­tral, sad­ly with­drew from the league af­ter week nine. Shoot­ing Stars, mean­while, were on a bye.

First Di­vi­sion Ta­ble


1*Rox­bury Shot Callers*11*10*1


3*Unit­ed Stars*11*8*3

4*Ago­ra Stingers*11*8*3

5*Pock­et Preda­tors*11*7*4


7*Dekko All Stars*11*6*5

8*Lucky Sports*11*5*6

9*JJ Shoot­ers*11*5*6

10*Scotchie’s Nu­bian*Kings*11*4*7

11*Pan­thers 11*3*8

12*Top Shooterz Krew*11*3*8


14*Shoot­ing Stars*11*1*10




2*Unit­ed Stars*8*7*1



5*D Un­der­dawgs*9*4*5

6*Gold­en Arch­es*9*4*5

7*Shoot­ing Stars*7*2*5

8*The An­ni­hi­la­tors*9*1*8

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