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Saturday, March 22, 2025

SKIF KG TT welcomes 16 new black belts


Sports Desk
830 days ago

The SKIF Kanaza­wa Group T&T (SKIF KG TT) has 16 new black belts.

They are Joshua Singh, Taschi Her­nan­dez, Jonathan Bruce, Tyrese Roberts, Bran­don Ryan, Aaden Lutch­me­di­al, Jadon Wal­cott, Dar­i­an King, Nao­mi Badal, Jay­lene Noel, Re­nee Hutchin­son, David Chin, Meli­na De Four, Char­l­ize Find­ley, Zachry Lutch­me­di­al and Kiel May­ers.

Af­ter two years of COVID lock­down, SKIF KG TT once again host­ed its an­nu­al in­ter­na­tion­al sem­i­nar dur­ing the pe­ri­od No­vem­ber 18-20. Since re­open­ing in March, the theme "Re­build Re­store Re­con­nect" was its fo­cus. The or­gan­i­sa­tion was af­fect­ed by the two-year lock­down but it has grad­u­al­ly be­gun to get back on track with its pro­gramme of de­vel­op­ing its mem­bers.

For the sem­i­nar, SKIF KG TT had the op­por­tu­ni­ty once again to host high­ly qual­i­fied in­struc­tors Hi­roshi Ishikawa and Ale­jan­dro Cas­tro. These in­struc­tors were last host­ed back in 2018. While here they con­duct­ed gen­er­al train­ing ses­sions, black belt ex­am­i­na­tions and events that SKIF has on the cal­en­dar for next year.

The high­light of the sem­i­nar was the black belt ex­am­i­na­tion where 16 long-stand­ing mem­bers were suc­cess­ful in the ex­am­i­na­tion. Many of these mem­bers, young boys and girls have been train­ing for over sev­en years and over the years con­tin­ued to ded­i­cate and com­mit their time to de­vel­op­ing them­selves holis­ti­cal­ly through their karate train­ing.

"SKIF KG TT would like to thank its spon­sors, Price­wa­ter House, Na­tion­al En­ter­prise Lim­it­ed, Hy­att Re­gency Ho­tel and the few per­son­al sup­port­ers to our pro­gramme," said the or­gan­i­sa­tion in a re­lease.

On the agen­da for SKIF KG TT next year are SKIF's train­ing camp to be held in Japan, SKIF World Cham­pi­onships to be held in Hun­gary, SKIF Venezuela an­nu­al train­ing camp and SKIF KG TT's in­ter­na­tion­al sem­i­nar.

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