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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Still room for improvement, says Sunshine Girls head coach


Sport Desk
20 days ago
The Sunshine Girls are ranked third in the world after series wins against England and South Africa.

The Sunshine Girls are ranked third in the world after series wins against England and South Africa.

KINGSTON, Ja­maica – De­spite their re­cent white­wash of South Africa, head coach of Ja­maica’s net­ball team Sash­er-Gaye Hen­ry be­lieves there are still as­pects of their play that need to be tweaked if they are to reach their peak.

The Sun­shine Girls de­feat­ed Eng­land 2-1 in a close Vi­tal­i­ty Net­ball Hori­zon Se­ries last No­vem­ber and be­gan 2025 on a win­ning note by blank­ing South Africa 3-0 in the re­cent­ly con­clud­ed Mar­garet Beck­ford Sun­shine Se­ries.

They are cur­rent­ly ranked third in the world be­hind Aus­tralia and New Zealand.

“We are ex­cit­ed, but it means that now we have to look back on our pro­gramme and look at the needs of each play­er and the pro­gramme,” Hen­ry said.

“Go­ing for­ward, we know it is go­ing to be a lot of work that we need to put in place, but we are quite con­fi­dent that we can get the job done and en­sure that we can cre­ate the plat­form for dif­fer­ent av­enues for the girls to do well.”

How­ev­er, Hen­ry ac­knowl­edged that the Sun­shine Girls’ re­cent vic­to­ries were im­pres­sive, es­pe­cial­ly con­sid­er­ing the fact they had been out of ac­tion since the 2023 Net­ball World Cup.

“It shows the depth and the ver­sa­til­i­ty of our team. I think we have to com­mend our­selves be­cause we haven’t played since the last World Cup and then com­ing to play against teams who have a lot of match prac­tice.

“It is in­ter­est­ing that we have done such a great job and it shows that our pro­gramme is work­ing,” Hen­ry main­tained.

She said one of their main goals would be to se­cure reg­u­lar games against elite com­pe­ti­tion to keep play­ers in the na­tion­al pro­gramme ac­tive.


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