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Saturday, February 22, 2025

T&T add two Mixed Doubles bronze in Guyana


695 days ago
T&T's France-based duo, Malik Gopual and Chloe Fraser, earned bronze medals after losing their Under-15 Mixed Doubles semifinals in the Caribbean Regional Table Tennis Federation Youth (Under-15 & U-19) Championship at the National Gymnasium in Georgetown, Guyana, yesterday.

T&T's France-based duo, Malik Gopual and Chloe Fraser, earned bronze medals after losing their Under-15 Mixed Doubles semifinals in the Caribbean Regional Table Tennis Federation Youth (Under-15 & U-19) Championship at the National Gymnasium in Georgetown, Guyana, yesterday.

France-based Ma­lik Gop­ual and Chloe Fras­er, Nicholas O’Young, and Priyan­ka Khellawan earned bronze medals af­ter los­ing their re­spec­tive Un­der-15 and Un­der-19 Mixed Dou­bles semi­fi­nals in the Caribbean Re­gion­al Ta­ble Ten­nis Fed­er­a­tion Youth (Un­der-15 & U-19) Cham­pi­onship at the Na­tion­al Gym­na­si­um in George­town, Guyana on Thurs­day.

The two-bronze added to the three sil­ver and one bronze T&T won in the Teams com­pe­ti­tion while Chloe Fras­er and Jor­dan Thong are al­so through to the Girls Dou­bles semi­fi­nals in the Un­der-15s and are cer­tain of adding an­oth­er medal as well.

In the Un­der-15 Di­vi­sion Mixed Dou­bles, Ma­lik Gopaul, and Fras­er were hand­ed a round-of-16 bye and in their quar­ter­fi­nal, they de­feat­ed St Lu­cians Leshon Fran­cis and Shatal Charles 11-9, 9-11, 11-4, 12-10 to reach the semi­fi­nal where they came up short against Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic’s Alexan­der Te­ja­da, and Dafne Sosa 9-11, 8-11, 6-11 to earn a bronze medal along­side Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic’s Alexan­der Perez and Yse­meily Guer­rero who were beat­en in their semi­fi­nal by coun­ter­parts, Dariel Del Rosario and Ar­i­an­na Es­trel­la 11-13, 16-14, 11-6, 5-11, 8-11.

In the oth­er match­es, T&T’s Sekel Mc In­tosh and Ji­nai Samuel won their round-of-16 match against Ja­maicans Lo­gan Royes and Keeara Whyte by walkover while Gabriel John and Thong over­came an­oth­er Ja­maican pair, Bri­an Blake, and Kayan Den­ton 11-9, 9-11, 11-9, 11-2.

How­ev­er, in the quar­ter­fi­nals, Mc In­tosh and Samuel were no match for Del Rosario and Es­trel­la who won 5-11, 3-11, 4-11 while John and Thong were hum­bled by Te­ja­da and Sosa 8-11, 9-11, 3-11.

T&T’s fourth duo of Josi­ah Joseph and Lyl­lana Bood­han were oust­ed by Perez, and Guer­rero 7-11, 7-11, 4-11 in the open­ing round.

O’Young, Khellawan swept aside in Un­der-19 semis

In the Un­der-19 Mixed Dou­bles, T&T’s Nicholas O’Young, and Priyan­ka Khellawan stunned Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic’s Rafael Cabr­era and Cinthia Pe­na 11-9, 11-8, 10-12, 8-11, 11-6 in their round-of-16 tie and fol­lowed it up with a 7-11, 11-6, 11-2, 11-3 quar­ter­fi­nal tri­umph over Ja­maicans Joel Lamm, and Liana Camp­bell.

With the gold medal match a win away, O’Young, and Khellawan were then swept aside by Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic’s Ra­mon Vi­la and Vianelkis Fer­nanez 7-11, 12-14, 6-11 to set­tle for the bronze along­side Ja­maicans Joel But­ler, and Kelsey David­son, losers against Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic’s Ed­uar­do Dar­ley and Shary Munoz in their semis, 2-11, 11-5, 5-11, 5-11.

Nico­las Lee and Imani Ed­wards-Tay­lor al­so start­ed well, de­feat­ing Col­in Wong, and Aki­ra Wong of Guyana 13-11, 11-9, 11-7 in their round-of-16 tie be­fore los­ing out to Dar­ley and Munoz 2-11, 2-11, 4-11 in the quar­ters.

In the oth­er T&T match­es, Ameer Mo­hamed and Yz­abelle Mor­ris went un­der to Ra­mon Vi­la, and Vianelkis Fer­nan­dez of the Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic 5-11, 4-11, 2-11; and Guyana’s Jonathan Van Lange and Thu­ra­ia Thomas swept past Ja­malli Mauge and Mikah Stroude 11-9, 11-4, 11-3.

T&T U-15 teams in Boys, Girls Dou­bles quar­ters

The T&T boys teams of Josi­ah Jospeh, and Sekel Mc In­tosh as well as Ma­lik Gopaul and Gabriel John were due to play quar­ter­fi­nals, and the girls’ duo of Fras­er and Thong are in the semi­fi­nals of their re­spec­tive Boys’ and Girls’ Dou­bles af­ter press time in the Un­der-15s while in the Un­der-19s, Khellawan and Ed­wards-Tay­lor met Ja­maicans Kelsey David­son, and Tse­naye Lewis; Mor­ris and Stroude came up against Ja­maica’s Liana Camp­bell, and Olivia Pe­terkin in quar­ter­fi­nals; Lee and Mauge bat­tled St Lu­cians Raw­son Har­ris, and Joshua Lu­bin, while Mo­hamed and O’Young tan­gled with De An­dre Calderon and Dawitt Nurse of St Lu­cia as well.

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