The push-up is one of the best, time-tested exercises in existence. It works, it has always worked and it will continue to work. Just take a few minutes every day to perform them and you are going to see fantastic changes in your body shape.
If you want to see the value of the push-up as an exercise, try this test. Assume the push-up position with your body kept straight and elbows bent; now hold that position four inches off of the floor for five minutes.
After one minute, the next four minutes will seem like eternity; you are going to sweat and your entire body is going to shake as the various muscle groups attempt to maintain stability. Performing the push-up regularly can give you a very trim, lean physique instead of that 1950s, sleeves rolled up, "ole time strongman" look. It does not exclusively belong to a man's domain. Women can be seen performing push-ups in aerobic classes and in some public parks.
Benefits of push-ups
�2 You can perform them anywhere, anytime
�2 You don't need technical equipment
�2 You don't need a gym membership; you can be a walking gym
�2 It acts as a great warm-up movement before beginning specialised training
�2 Because of the many muscle groups recruited during performance of the push-up, it builds a trim, healthy body with lean, hard muscle that is going to help increase your metabolism.
Body parts worked
Push-ups effectively work your fingers, hands, forearms, biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest, traps, upper back, lower back, abs, glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves and feet. You can perform them slow, fast or explosive. They can be performed at different angles and in a variety of ways, such as: one-arm push-ups, two-finger push-ups, clapping push-ups, medicine ball push-ups, partner resistance push-ups, etc. In addition to the above benefits, push-ups help to strengthen your heart and keep your bones hard.
Performing the push-up
To perform the standard push-up, follow these instructions:
�2 Lie face down on the floor with your hands, palms down at a position just outside your shoulders. n Keep your body straight, with your head, neck, spine and legs in line. Push your body up until your arms are in almost full extension, but do not lock your elbows.
�2 Lower yourself back down until your chest is an inch off of the floor.
�2 Perform at least ten repetitions until you are strong enough to do five sets of 40 push-ups.
It is interesting to note that martial artists and military men usually possess good bodies and they also spend a great deal of time in their exercise routines performing hundreds of push-ups, in addition to cardio-related exercises. While you might have no desire to be military trained, you still, as any good soldier, will have to do battle against enemy forces. In this case your enemies are muscle atrophy, osteoporosis, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and stress. Push-ups are a great way to start waging the war.
Keep training.