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Saturday, March 22, 2025

McKey Sullivan returns to Fashion Week T&T



Fash­ion Week Trinidad & To­ba­go 2010 is set to re­ceive yet an­oth­er celebri­ty with the re­turn of the very ex­cit­ed Amer­i­ca's Next Top Mod­el McK­ey Sul­li­van. Ranked one of Peo­ple Mag­a­zine's Most Beau­ti­ful Peo­ple in 2009, and win­ner of Cy­cle 11 of the pop­u­lar TV show Amer­i­ca's Next Top Mod­el (ANTM), host­ed by Tyra Banks, Sul­li­van fell in love with T&T and its fash­ion in­dus­try last year when she walked for Dawn Vic­tor, The Cloth and Heather Jones in Fash­ion Week Trinidad & To­ba­go (FWTT) 2009.

FWTT 2010 is the kick-off of McK­ey's in­ter­na­tion­al mod­el­ing tour where she is ex­pect­ed to work in oth­er coun­tries such as Aus­tralia and Paris.

Host­ed by Am­bas­sador Ho­tel, McK­ey is set to tour the is­land to hot spots she missed on her last trip. She is par­tic­u­lar­ly look­ing for­ward to get­ting a lit­tle taste of Car­ni­val from her spon­sors–Harts Mas Camp–who will be pho­tograph­ing her in one of their yet-to-be-re­leased de­signs for Car­ni­val 2010.

FWTT 2010 got off to a fly­ing start yes­ter­day evening with a gala, cham­pagne me­dia open­ing at the Hy­att, at­tend­ed by a wide cross sec­tion of Who's Who in fash­ion and en­ter­tain­ment cir­cles.

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