Government wants the patriotism shown by citizens when Keshorn Walcott won his gold medal at the 2012 London Olympics never to dissipate. In an effort to keep up that level of national pride, the Ministry of National Diversity and Social Integration yesterday launched National Patriotism Month at its offices on Frederick Street, Port-of-Spain. Minister of National Diversity and Social Integration Clifton De Coteau said the perfect opportunity to launch the initiative is now, as the country gets ready for its 50th independence celebrations. "The Government of Trinidad and Tobago created the Ministry of National Diversity and Social Integration with an overarching mandate to champion patriotism, unity in diversity, nationalism and the promotion of a cohesive society," he said. De Coteau said the programme started last Sunday and will end on September 26, so that the month could coincide with Independence and Republic Day celebrations. He said there will also be a National Year of Patriotism starting from Independence Day.
He said the initiative, which, according to permanent secretary in the ministry Jacinta Bailey-Sobers, cost just over $1 million, will help the society come together and take pride in the country. "Championing such a cause will only serve to materialise the concept of unity in diversity, which will assist in the development of a more-interconnected society, which is so vital to national progress," he said. Several projects were being planned for the month of patriotism to help create a sense of pride and many other ministries were joining the effort, he continued. "The National Month of Patriotism will be celebrated each year commencing in 2012. This morning we will launch the month with the following items: promotion of the Flag in Every Home Project; launch of the Ministry of National Diversity and Social Integration logo and Facebook page; and viewing of a clip promoting the spirit of patriotism," he said. Other activities in the programme are: the distribution of flags and promotional items by the Ministry of National Diversity and Social Integration in collaboration with partner ministries; a "Unity in Diversity" radio programme; the observance of a National Day of Prayer in schools; a "Most Patriotic School" competition; and the production of a national heroes documentary on the 50 icons to be awarded for the 50th anniversary celebrations.
De Coteau said he expected the private sector and non-governmental organisations to join in with initiatives of their own that showcased the country's talents. He also called on citizens to play their part in creating a sense of pride and unity. "Citizens are urged to go even further to decorate their homes in the national colours to increase a sense of patriotism within the home and the community in tribute of their representations of our vitality, purity and unity as a people. I am pleased to announce that to date a total of 13,000 flags have been distributed across the length and breadth of Trinidad and Tobago for this entire week leading up to the 50th anniversary of our Independence and indeed, for the entire Year of Patriotism," he said. "The love which we have for our Trinidad and Tobago should be almost intrinsic and even personal. It emanates from pride that this nation is ours...ours to protect, nurture, and develop as it sustains us, its people," he said. The ministries and organisations that are joining the National Patriotism Month and Year are: Planning and Sustainable Development; the Arts and Multiculturalism; Education; Gender, Youth and Child Development; Community Development; Tourism; Local Government; Ministry of the People and Social Development; National Security; Tobago Development; Sport; Communications; Tobago House of Assembly. Other groups listed as being involved included the Inter Religious Organisation; Chamber of Industry and Commerce; NALIS; Scout and Girl Guides Associations; the University of the West Indies; the National Parent/Teacher Association; and Rotaract Trinidad.