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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Jones, Morgan bag Westshore 5K titles



Dis­tance run­ner Richard Jones dashed past the fin­ish-line in a time of 16 min­utes and 29 sec­onds to win the men's ti­tle yes­ter­day in the West­shore spon­sored 5K event.The race was the first of three events that com­prise the T&T In­ter­na­tion­al Marathon which con­tin­ues to­day. Guyanese Ali­ka Mor­gan won among the women in 20 min­utes and three sec­onds.The race be­gan at the West­shore Pri­vate Med­ical Hos­pi­tal in Co­corite and fin­ished at White­hall, Queen's Park Sa­van­nah, Port-of-Spain.Jones, a sea­soned 34-year-old run­ner who al­so claimed the TTUTA 10K race at the start of the year, fin­ished 18 sec­onds ahead of Li­onel Dan­drade, an­oth­er favourite to take the chal­lenge.For his ef­forts, Jones re­ceived the first place $2,000 cheque, while Dan­drade re­ceived $1,500. Third-place fin­ish­er of the over­all male, Er­rol Williams ran away with $1,000 af­ter clock­ing in at 17:06.The top three women, Mor­gan, Ker­ticha John (20:50) and Paulette Luces (21:11), grand­daugh­ter of vet­er­an run­ner, Lynette "Granny" Luces, re­ceived the same cash prizes.

Na­toya Cud­joe, as ex­pect­ed was the top girl in the 16-19 di­vi­sion, run­ning in a time of 21:52, while Nicholas Lan­deau (18:08) passed Jevon Joseph (18:10) by two sec­onds to win it for the boys of the same age di­vi­sion.Vol­win Mer­curius near­ly made it in­to the top three among the over­all men in a time of 17:10 but had to set­tle for the 30-39 di­vi­sion ti­tle.The top three run­ners, of the age di­vi­sions for men, women, boys and girls, re­ceived $500, $300 and $100, re­spec­tive­ly.


Over­all male

Richard Jones-16:29

Li­onel Dan­drade-16:47

Er­rol Williams-17:06

Over­all fe­male

Ali­ka Mor­gan-20:03

Ker­ticha John-20:50

Paulette Luces-21:11

Boys 16-19

Nicholas Lan­deau-18:08

Jevon Joseph-18:10

Sh­ern Tim­o­thy-18:17

Girls 16-19

Na­toya Cud­joe-21:52

Gabrielle Alexan­der-23:58

Abi­ane Col­ly­more-24:01

Men 20-29

Jerome Browne-21:23

Dwayne Boatswain-22:15

Ameen Si­mon-22:25

Women 20-29

Nico­la De Pass-26:13

Rhea Bat­son-27:22

Men 30-39

Vol­win Mer­curius-17:10

Roland Bartholomew-17:28

Bri­an May­nard-18:08

Women 30-39

Thais Gutier­rez-23:01

De­bra Agong-25:11

Fiona Branker-26:13

Men 40-49

Owen Sobers-18:49

Lin­coln Mar­shall-19:40

Herdis An­drews-24:30

Women 40-49

Tere­sa Rose­mand-27:02

Nier­cia Pile-29:04

Jen­nifer Poon-29:07

Men 50-59

Os­wald Adams-18:43

Ken­rick Williams, 19:35

Car­lyle Jack­son, 21:12

Women 50-59

Lyn­da Mc Far­lane-26:54

Cheryl Bag­goo-29:06

Karen James-Begg-30:12

Men 60 & over

Clyde Lo­bie-22:09

Mar­celle Den­nis-25:53

Fran­cis Mar­cano-27:06

Women 60 & over

Ade­lene Thomas-29:38

Dul­cie Nieves-31:21

Leno­ra Nunez-31:47

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