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Monday, March 31, 2025

22-time Grand Slam champion Rafael Nadal will retire from tennis after next month’s Davis Cup finals


172 days ago
FILE - Spain's Rafael Nadal returns the ball during the third round match of the French Open tennis tournament against Argentina's Leonardo Mayer at the Roland Garros stadium, in Paris, France, Saturday, May 31, 2014, as he has announced he will retire from tennis at age 38 following the Davis Cup finals in November. (AP Photo/Michel Euler, File)

FILE - Spain's Rafael Nadal returns the ball during the third round match of the French Open tennis tournament against Argentina's Leonardo Mayer at the Roland Garros stadium, in Paris, France, Saturday, May 31, 2014, as he has announced he will retire from tennis at age 38 following the Davis Cup finals in November. (AP Photo/Michel Euler, File)

Michel Euler

Rafael Nadal an­nounced his im­pend­ing re­tire­ment from ten­nis on Thurs­day at age 38 af­ter win­ning 22 Grand Slam sin­gles ti­tles dur­ing an un­prece­dent­ed era he shared with his ri­vals in the so-called Big Three, Roger Fed­er­er and No­vak Djokovic.

Nadal said he will re­tire af­ter next month’s Davis Cup fi­nals.

“Re­al­ly, every­thing I have ex­pe­ri­enced has been a dream come true,” Nadal said in an an­nounce­ment on so­cial me­dia. “I leave with the ab­solute peace of mind of hav­ing giv­en my best, of hav­ing made an ef­fort in every way”

The Spaniard in­di­cat­ed his de­ci­sion was re­lat­ed to per­sis­tent in­jury prob­lems.

“The re­al­i­ty is that it has been some dif­fi­cult years, these last two es­pe­cial­ly. I don’t think I have been able to play with­out lim­i­ta­tions. It is ob­vi­ous­ly a dif­fi­cult de­ci­sion, one that has tak­en me some time to make. But in this life, every­thing has a be­gin­ning and an end,” Nadal said.

Nadal’s un­re­lent­ing, phys­i­cal style of play — every point pur­sued as though it were his last, sprint­ing and slid­ing in­to place for that high-bounc­ing bull­whip of a lefty fore­hand — made him one of the greats of the game and the un­ques­tioned King of Clay, the slow, red sur­face on which he claimed his record 14 French Open cham­pi­onships.

That’s more than any­one, man or woman, won at any one of the sport’s four ma­jor tour­na­ments, a dom­i­nance cel­e­brat­ed by a stat­ue of Nadal that stands near the main en­trance to the grounds of Roland Gar­ros and in the shad­ow of its main sta­di­um, Court Philippe Cha­tri­er.

Nadal al­so won four tro­phies at the U.S. Open and two apiece at Wim­ble­don and the Aus­tralian Open, giv­ing him a ca­reer Grand Slam. His last pair ar­rived in 2022, at Mel­bourne in Jan­u­ary and at Paris in June, push­ing him ahead of Fed­er­er for the men’s record of 20 Grand Slam ti­tles. Fed­er­er an­nounced his re­tire­ment when he was 41 the end of the 2022 sea­son, short­ly be­fore bid­ding adieu by team­ing with Nadal in a dou­bles match at the Laver Cup.

Nadal’s un­re­lent­ing, phys­i­cal style of play — every point pur­sued as though it were his last, sprint­ing and slid­ing in­to place for that high-bounc­ing bull­whip of a lefty fore­hand — made him one of the greats of the game and the un­ques­tioned King of Clay, the slow, red sur­face on which he claimed his record 14 French Open cham­pi­onships.

Both have since been sur­passed by Djokovic, who is up to 24.

“I want to thank the en­tire ten­nis in­dus­try, all the peo­ple in­volved in this sport, my long-time col­leagues, es­pe­cial­ly my great ri­vals,” Nadal said over im­ages of him play­ing against Fed­er­er and Djokovic. “I have spent many hours with them and I have lived many mo­ments that I will re­mem­ber for the rest of my life.”

So much of Nadal’s suc­cess was seen, fair­ly or not, through the prism of his en­coun­ters with Fed­er­er and Djokovic. The ten­nis world, and plen­ty out­side of it, were con­sumed with the de­bate over which was most de­serv­ing of the “GOAT” — “Great­est Of All-Time” — moniker.

The world, ten­nis or oth­er­wise, was fas­ci­nat­ed by their matchups, their dif­fer­ing styles and per­son­al­i­ties. Who among those who wit­nessed it could pos­si­bly for­get Nadal vs. Fed­er­er in the 2008 Wim­ble­don fi­nal? Or Nadal vs. Djokovic in the 2022 French Open quar­ter­fi­nals? Or Nadal vs. Djokovic in the 2012 Aus­tralian Open fi­nal? And so on.

Nadal added Thurs­day that he was ex­cit­ed to fin­ish his ca­reer at the Davis Cup, which will be played in Mala­ga, Spain.

“I am very ex­cit­ed that my last tour­na­ment will be the fi­nal of the Davis Cup and rep­re­sent­ing my coun­try,” he said. “I think I’ve come full cir­cle since one of my first great joys as a pro­fes­sion­al ten­nis play­er was the Davis Cup fi­nal in Seville in 2004.”

Nadal has not played since the Paris Olympics, where he lost to old ri­val Djokovic in the sec­ond round of the sin­gles tour­na­ment and reached the quar­ter­fi­nals of the men’s dou­bles with Car­los Al­caraz.

“I think it is the ap­pro­pri­ate time to put an end to a ca­reer that has been long and much more suc­cess­ful than I could have ever imag­ined,” he said.


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