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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Ameen tells Young say sorry ‘directly’ to former schoolmate for bullying


Gail Alexander
5 days ago
Khadijah Ameen speaks during the UNC’s Pavement Report on Pasea Road, Tunapuna, on Thursday.

Khadijah Ameen speaks during the UNC’s Pavement Report on Pasea Road, Tunapuna, on Thursday.


In­cum­bent St Au­gus­tine MP Khadi­jah Ameen has called on Prime Min­is­ter Stu­art Young to apol­o­gise to for­mer school­mate Im­ran Khan di­rect­ly for a bul­ly­ing in­ci­dent at St Mary’s Col­lege 33 years ago.

Ameen made the call dur­ing the Unit­ed Na­tion­al Con­gress’ meet­ing in Tu­na­puna on Thurs­day evening.

Ameen and oth­er UNC speak­ers blast­ed Young on the mat­ter. Young, who’s said he ad­dressed the Khan is­sue frontal­ly, said he “apol­o­gised to every­one who’d been bul­lied and every child who has been” and that was “as far as” he’d go at this stage.

But Ameen said in­for­ma­tion on the is­sue rais­es se­ri­ous con­cerns about Young’s suit­abil­i­ty to be Prime Min­is­ter. Cit­ing jour­nal­ist/for­mer CIC stu­dent Lasana Liburd’s ac­count of the is­sue, Ameen said, “Liburd said in his ar­ti­cle that Khan was ‘pushed to re­tal­i­a­tion’. Don’t let (PNM) put any spin on it!”

She added that dur­ing Young’s re­sponse to the mat­ter when ques­tioned dur­ing the post-Cab­i­net news con­fer­ence on Thurs­day, “at no time did he take own­er­ship of the sit­u­a­tion. You can­not, when asked to apol­o­gise say, ‘well I apol­o­gise to every child in the world who was ever bul­lied in the whole his­to­ry of the uni­verse’. That’s non­sense! ... Peo­ple want you to apol­o­gise for what you did!”

She added, “Ac­cept what you did, take own­er­ship and apol­o­gise. I hear him say­ing ‘that was 33 years ago’. But a ma­ture re­spon­si­ble in­di­vid­ual will take own­er­ship of wrong­do­ing and apol­o­gise un­re­served­ly! His re­sponse is child­ish and im­ma­ture. Stu­art Young, you have re­fused to do what is right- re­fused to apol­o­gise.”

Ameen said while Young had re­fused to take re­spon­si­bil­i­ty and apol­o­gise, “he hasn’t de­nied that it hap­pened.”

“We can­not dis­miss his ac­tion of 33 years ago and say he was a child, as I’m telling you there’s a pat­tern from the class­room up. His be­hav­iour as an adult mir­rors his be­hav­iour in his school days. There were in­stances of in­tim­i­da­tion, ver­bal ag­gres­sion, dis­mis­sive­ness to­wards his op­po­nents,” she al­leged, claim­ing Young has “this ar­ro­gance and hos­til­i­ty.”

“It’s ev­i­dent in his treat­ment even to­day of jour­nal­ists, po­lit­i­cal op­po­nents… you all ever see his so­cial me­dia posts?” Ameen said, as she al­so re­ferred to the Oc­to­ber 2024 “hot mi­cro­phone” in­ci­dent in Par­lia­ment, where Young’s com­ments to­ward UNC leader Kam­la Per­sad-Bisses­sar were record­ed. He lat­er apol­o­gised in the House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives for his com­ments.

Cit­ing sui­cides be­cause of bul­ly­ing, Ameen queried what Young did to deal with bul­ly­ing when he was Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty Min­is­ter.

”Noth­ing! So, Young’s sud­den con­cern on bul­ly­ing and do­mes­tic vi­o­lence vic­tims can’t be se­ri­ous. All those in the PNM (Peo­ple’s Na­tion­al Move­ment) stay­ing qui­et af­ter so many of them ob­ject­ed to him be­ing Prime Min­is­ter. Par­ty loy­al­ty can­not out­weigh your moral re­spon­si­bil­i­ty!”

Mean­while, Ameen said Young could not hold the Gov­ern­ment to­geth­er and claimed the PNM did not plan to have the elec­tion.

“They haven’t booked a sin­gle me­dia spot. UNC book all since last Oc­to­ber. We’re ready!”

In­cum­bent Pointe-a-Pierre MP David Lee claimed Young had no choice but to call an elec­tion as he feared re­sum­ing Par­lia­ment due to a no-con­fi­dence mo­tion UNC leader Per­sad-Bisses­sar might have brought, “and the pos­si­bil­i­ty PNM MPs might have told her to bring it."

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