The main players in the plan to get rid of Dr Surujrattan Rambachan as Mayor of Chaguanas celebrated their success at the Kam-Po Restaurant in Chaguanas, yesterday.
Five UNC members of the Chaguanas Borough Corporation, including Orlando Nagessar, Gopaul Boodan, Joey Samuel, Felicia Issahak and Narsingh Rambaran met in caucus and decided to re-elect Rambachan and Ramesh Ramdhan as aldermen, Nagessar said. Voting for the post of mayor is to take place on Thursday. Nagessar said everyone at the caucus meeting decided to vote for Rambachan, however, Nagessar said when the caucus entered the borough hall he saw Chaguanas West MP Austin "Jack" Warner, Chaguanas East MP Mustapha Abdul-Hamid and former Caroni East MP Ganga Singh. Nagessar said Issahak stood up and nominated Natasha Navas, 30, a bank employee, as alderman. Also nominated were Ramdhan and Rambachan. By secret ballot, Navas got five votes, Rambachan three and Ramdhan eight.
Nagessar said he was shocked. "The council, a UNC council has been handed over to the PNM without an election. This is an indication of PNM agents working within the borough." Nagessar said Warner had said openly that his intention was to rid the council of Rambachan. Warner accompanied Issahak, Rambaran and Singh along with PNM councillors Patricia Baptiste, Ronald Heera and Bernard Bailey and the two new aldermen, Navas and Ramdhan to the Kam-Po Restaurant to celebrate. When the T&T Guardian arrived shortly after midday, Warner had already left. Singh, who was seated next to Ramdhan, said the meeting was private and the media would not be allowed to take photos inside. He said a news conference was planned after Thursday's election of a mayor.
Neither Rambaran nor Issahak were willing to speak with the media. While making a hasty dash to his car, Rambaran said he voted for Rambachan. Navas reportedly left the venue through a back entrance to avoid the media, sources said. Former Chaguanas MP Manohar Ramsaran, joined the celebration around 3.19 pm. He claimed that Rambachan had become very unpopular in recent times.