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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Children of slain principal and her attacker to get counselling support—Education Minister


1904 days ago
Minister Garcia also strongly condemns the senseless attack on Jezelle Phillip, principal of ABCs Pre-School

Minister Garcia also strongly condemns the senseless attack on Jezelle Phillip, principal of ABCs Pre-School


The chil­dren of the pre-school prin­ci­pal who was fa­tal­ly stabbed yes­ter­day, as well as those of her at­tack­er, will re­ceive coun­selling sup­port from school so­cial work­ers and the Stu­dent Sup­port Ser­vices Di­vi­sion.

In ad­di­tion, coun­selling will be pro­vid­ed—up­on re­quest—to the chil­dren at­tend­ing the pre-school where the vi­cious at­tack oc­curred.

In an of­fi­cial state­ment re­leased to­day by the Ed­u­ca­tion Min­istry, Min­is­ter An­tho­ny Gar­cia con­firms that the Stu­dent Sup­port Ser­vices Di­vi­sion will pro­vide coun­selling sup­port to the child of the de­ceased prin­ci­pal, who at­tends a pub­lic school in Port of Spain.

Min­is­ter Gar­cia al­so con­firms that School So­cial Work­ers would pro­vide coun­selling to the chil­dren of her at­tack­er, who al­so are stu­dents at a pub­lic school in Port of Spain.

Fol­low­ing is the full text of the ed­u­ca­tion min­is­ter’s state­ment…

The Ho­n­ourable An­tho­ny Gar­cia, Min­is­ter of Ed­u­ca­tion is ex­tend­ing con­do­lences to the fam­i­ly of Day Care Ser­vices Provider Jizelle Philip, who was killed in close prox­im­i­ty to a day care ser­vices cen­tre in Port of Spain on Mon­day 6th, Jan­u­ary, 2020.

De­spite, the day care ser­vices cen­tre not falling un­der the purview of the Min­istry of Ed­u­ca­tion, Min­is­ter Gar­cia con­demns this sense­less act of vi­o­lence against some­one who was mak­ing a pos­i­tive con­tri­bu­tion to­wards mould­ing the lives and minds of our na­tion’s chil­dren.

The de­ceased in­di­vid­ual has one child at­tend­ing a pri­ma­ry school in Port-of-Spain. The Stu­dent Sup­port Ser­vices Di­vi­sion (SSSD) of the Min­istry of Ed­u­ca­tion will lend sup­port by ex­tend­ing the re­quired psy­cho­log­i­cal and coun­selling sup­port ser­vices to the child. Our School So­cial Work­ers would al­so ex­tend coun­selling ser­vices to the chil­dren of the al­leged at­tack­er. These chil­dren are al­so at­tend­ing pub­lic schools in the Port of Spain Ed­u­ca­tion Dis­trict.

Psy­chol­o­gists, Guid­ance Coun­sel­lors and School So­cial Work­ers from the Stu­dent Sup­port Ser­vices Di­vi­sion of the Min­istry of Ed­u­ca­tion are al­so will­ing to ex­tend their ser­vices to the chil­dren of the day care ser­vices cen­tre, if re­quest­ed by their par­ents.

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