The children of the pre-school principal who was fatally stabbed yesterday, as well as those of her attacker, will receive counselling support from school social workers and the Student Support Services Division.
In addition, counselling will be provided—upon request—to the children attending the pre-school where the vicious attack occurred.
In an official statement released today by the Education Ministry, Minister Anthony Garcia confirms that the Student Support Services Division will provide counselling support to the child of the deceased principal, who attends a public school in Port of Spain.
Minister Garcia also confirms that School Social Workers would provide counselling to the children of her attacker, who also are students at a public school in Port of Spain.
Following is the full text of the education minister’s statement…
The Honourable Anthony Garcia, Minister of Education is extending condolences to the family of Day Care Services Provider Jizelle Philip, who was killed in close proximity to a day care services centre in Port of Spain on Monday 6th, January, 2020.
Despite, the day care services centre not falling under the purview of the Ministry of Education, Minister Garcia condemns this senseless act of violence against someone who was making a positive contribution towards moulding the lives and minds of our nation’s children.
The deceased individual has one child attending a primary school in Port-of-Spain. The Student Support Services Division (SSSD) of the Ministry of Education will lend support by extending the required psychological and counselling support services to the child. Our School Social Workers would also extend counselling services to the children of the alleged attacker. These children are also attending public schools in the Port of Spain Education District.
Psychologists, Guidance Counsellors and School Social Workers from the Student Support Services Division of the Ministry of Education are also willing to extend their services to the children of the day care services centre, if requested by their parents.