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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Ferry tickets for Tobago Carnival sold out, more sailings to come


Elizabeth Gonzales
151 days ago
Top row: The seabridge ferries Buccoo Reef and APT James. Bottom row: The seabridge ferry Galleons Passage. [File photos/GML archives]

Top row: The seabridge ferries Buccoo Reef and APT James. Bottom row: The seabridge ferry Galleons Passage. [File photos/GML archives]

The Port Au­thor­i­ty says all fer­ry tick­ets are sold out for To­ba­go's Oc­to­ber Car­ni­val pe­ri­od, but promis­es to add even more sail­ings to meet the de­mand.

From Oc­to­ber 23rd to 29th, ap­prox­i­mate­ly 17,000 peo­ple will ar­rive in To­ba­go via the sea bridge. Speak­ing with Guardian Me­dia to­day Port Au­thor­i­ty chair­man, Lyle Alexan­der said the In­ter-Is­land Trans­porta­tion Com­pa­ny is pre­pared to han­dle the load in the com­ing days.

There are 8 sail­ings on the APT James, and 9 on the Buc­coo Reef fer­ries from the 23rd to 29th and three sail­ings on the Galleons Pas­sage for the same pe­ri­od from Trinidad to To­ba­go. The Buc­coo Reef ac­com­mo­dates 1000 pas­sen­gers, the APT James, 926 pas­sen­gers while the Galleons Pas­sage car­ries 400 pas­sen­gers. So in to­tal, the sea bridge is ex­pect­ed to car­ry a whop­ping 17,608 pas­sen­gers to To­ba­go over a sev­en-day pe­ri­od.

“We have pre­pared for it and we are ready to move the pas­sen­gers as re­quired to the best of our abil­i­ty,” Alexan­der said. He said it’s dif­fi­cult to make a com­par­i­son of the same pe­ri­od last year at this time. Alexan­der ex­plained, “At this stage of the game the book­ings look the same. The num­bers look good, just as the same as last year…I would sug­gest we wait un­til af­ter Car­ni­val to de­ter­mine ex­act­ly how many we moved.”

Even though tick­ets are sold out Alexan­der said a de­ci­sion has been made to add an ad­di­tion­al sail­ing on spe­cif­ic days which will pro­vide ap­prox­i­mate­ly 2700 more seats over the Car­ni­val pe­ri­od.

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